
New Age Spiritualism, Chakras & Third Eyes is a Demonic Lie

The young man in the video immediately below is one of many young people we work with (18-30) that have gotten themselves into heavy bondage through what I call the New Age Lie. You see the lie of the enemy every where on You Tube. You even see how to invite Demons in for sex. We fight our hearts out against stuff like this and yet there are videos on You Tube about how to have sex with Demons! Can you imagine!?!

Folks, there is an over-whelming number of people under 30 who have no clue what they are involved in. They don’t know the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have gotten themselves caught up in the “New Age Lie”.  This lie is one of the beginnings steps for the enemy to get involved in your life and start moving you towards total and complete demonic bondage. The only difference between this and satanism is that a satanist, like a Psychic for instance, has made a conscience decision to throw in with the enemy. Hence, I am saying they are totally aware of what they are doing. Having said this most these young people we assist have zero clue what they have done wrong or how they got into the bondage they are in. All they knew is that there life was empty, they wanted more and so they started watching videos from people who have no clue what they are talking about.

If your wondering what the background is for the individuals who get into this mess,  besides the obvious method of seeing a you tube video on how to cleanse your Chakras, here is what we have observed. To be quite honest, the majority of the individuals are raised by Mothers and Fathers, in my generation mind you, who do not know Christ and therefore their children don’t know Christ. It’s sort of like our politicians who don’t know Jesus and yet the majority of the population walks around scratching their head as to why thecountry has gone down the drain. Well lets see! Hmmmm? The liberals and those disobedient to God’s laws have gotten rid of the Ten Commandments, Prayer in School and done many other things that are an abomination to our one and only TRUE God. We legalized the mass slaughter of babies and now we have declared ourselves a homo-sexual nation and yet most in the country are still continuing to walk around with a confused look on their face as to how the country got destroyed. Gee, I wonder!?!

The irony of all this is that Obama will say in his speeches….who is a professed Muslim mind you, “God Bless Our Country”. This makes zero sense to me. He ought to be saying, “God, we repent for our sins and we come before you humbling ourselves, begging for mercy and seeking to rectify our wrong doings and abominations against you”.  The Bible says this is our only way back. If you want my true personal opinion….we are heading for ultimate disaster in this country, but God is going to bring us a massive revival in the U.S. (first)….the likes we have never seen. He is doing this out of pure mercy….he is going to get as many of his children in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Aka Saved) as he can before the entire country is wiped out.

If the above resonates with you, but you have no idea whether or not your saved or not, please watch the above video and invite Christ in your heart.   



A Story of Sheer Terror That Ends With Victory

Excellent PIC Demon Harrassment-ChangesHello, my name…for the purposes of this testimony I will remain anonymous. I am an Average Middle-Upper Class American and I grew up in Georgia with a decent childhood.  I thought there was nothing out of the ordinary about my childhood. Little did I know that rejection, depression, and rebellion were attacking and controlling my life.  All through college my depression literally ran my whole life. It was such a terrible experience and quite frankly it was all I knew until I was in my early 20’s. I started drinking, using drugs, and secluding myself to everyone I knew, heavily! I thought my life was over and I had just flat out given up. One morning after not sleeping for 72 hours because of panic attacks. I started seeing red figures of Jesus’ face, random people’s faces, the devil, and others. I thought it was a sign from God so I rushed to the nearest church to tell someone I had just seen a miracle. On my way there demonic voices from the sky started screaming and yelling at me. They would yell “down town, down town, down town!” They came from all over the place. As I write this to you, now 3 years since this took place, I realized that Satan was literally injecting me into an on-going horror film  (As a side note I use to always watch a lot of demon movies- Paranormal Activity, Exorcisim of Emily Rose, etc, etc… Now I DO NOT) They had turned my life into a true nightmare. So I call my parents and tell them that there are multiple, LOUD voices from the sky. They also had control of the radio, billboards, trucks.  Without exaggeration, about anything that could give me a sign was sending me messages. Remember, as you read this, “I thought this was God” doing something major in my life.  So as I am riding down the highway (my parents had picked me up already) I stuck my head out the window and said, “God why is this happening?” Again I haven’t slept in 72 hours and I have been so, so, so depressed for basically my whole life and then all the sudden Jesus’ s face shows up in the sky, just as it did in my room when I initially saw it, but was just in a bigger form of his face!! Jesus’ s face was 3 stories and so clear. He told me I couldn’t come to heaven and I had to save heaven before I die…or I would go to Hell. (“Yah Right!! Me save Heaven”, I thought to myself) Then God’s face appeared still the same red like figure and said the same thing, but had a deeper voice. There are no words to describe how scared and terrified I was after this.  I had literally lost control of my senses but I could still control my motor skills. In other words I did have control of my arms, legs, hands, feet, etc… Can you imagine something like this when you are already completely and totally washed out of any kind of real or meaningful defense syste?.  In John 10:10 The Bible says the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destory… well on this day Satan absolutely tried to destroy me. So I finally make it back to my parent’s home and the voices quiet down, and my parents calm me down.  Just before I go to bed I again see Jesus’ face on the ceiling just cussing me out and telling me how I ruined everything, and that I am going to Hell tonight. The voices come back, and are just screaming, laughing, just scaring me anyway they could. I am seeing just people being hung on the wall, and just evil things all around my parents Condo. I was again just beyond terrified. My parents finally pretty much just get me down on the floor and make me go to sleep (this took 4-5 hours). I then fall asleep and started dreaming. In my dream which felt real, I was in Hell attached to 4-5 other people and we would just go around like a tunnel until we got to Satan and he would just laugh at you. They had basically just taken over my whole mind by this point. Then towards the end of the dream/ trance I see Jesus’ and he sticks his hand down to grab me, and I wake up. I just don’t have the words to describe this but I was hoping everything was over, but I still had the voices …just not as loud.

After being on some heavy medications and having several months or a year to seriously dig into the truth I discover truth after truth and revelation after revelation about the Bible and who Jesus really is, the Kingdom of Heaven and how Satan and his minions truly work . (VERY IMPORTANT…PLEASE LISTEN TO ME IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE IN THIS ENTIRE POST) I learn that Jesus Christ is totally and completely dominant over all these demons and satan and it truly was a matter of stepping up in faith and applying what I was reading in the word of God. In other words when it says in Matthew 10: 1 that we have power to cast out unclean spirits then it means just that. We have power to cast them out. Jesus did everything for me, but I still had to step forward, in faith, and come against the enemy in the name of Jesus. It works even better if you quote the scripture along with it and then command them out.

(Go Forward In The Story a Few Years)

Because of the power Jesus Christ gave us and because of my relationship with God, through what Jesus did on the cross, I now live a life that is truthfully wonderful. Better than I could ever dream of or imagined 10 years ago. I never could forget being in that mental hospital….completely loaded up with heavy medications and seeing this red faced Jesus jumping up and down on my bed with 3 super tall but ugly Angelic looking beings! I tell you with all sincerity, I truly thought that is how I was going to be for the rest of my life. Instead, I now have an amazing relationship with the Lord. I have developed a very deep faith in him! I know he is not only there with me all the time, but as a child of God, I know he is looking out for me always and forever.  Given where I came from, do you realize how reassuring that is to me? Words cannot describe it.

About 10 months ago I met Pastor Nate and after learning about deliverance I am a free child of God! His grace and mercy is enough! He has built this world for us to live in abundance, and that abundance has been given to me through a relationship with him! CS Lewis once wrote “It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” Not only is he with us every step of the way, but he in us and us in him. He will never leave YOU or forsake YOU, if you invite him into your heart and ask him to free you from the enemy.  Trust me people, I never dreamed in a million years I could be free. “You, little children, are from God and have overcome them, because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” John 4:4. No matter what you see or hear in this world the truth is in the Word of God, in the Holy Bible. Peace to you my brothers and sisters in Christ and eternal glory be with you always!

Yours in Christ,

Anonymous Average Middle Class American

Endorsement –  The above was originally intended as an endorsement of Deliverance Revolution Ministry and Pastor Nate Thompson, but as you read it turned out to be more of a testimony. So let me say this about Pastor Nate. If I could have met Pastor Nate 10 years ago when I was at the height of my suffering and torment, there is not one shred of doubt in my mind that Pastor Nate, armed with the promises of Jesus, could not only have removed these horrific figures I was seeing and hearing 24/7, but more over he would have been chasing them through the 2nd heaven and calling down Holy Ghost fire on them as he went! If you have never seen Pastor Nate’s deliverance work then you are in for a real boost of confidence when you do.  When I think of PN’s calling the word “anointed” comes immediately to mind and “Warrior for the Kingdom”.  I hereby endorse Pastor Nate as a true man of God.



The Bible, Its History, Infallibility and Authority… Eternal Truth!

The following article is attributed to Chuck Missler (Koinonia House Ministry)

There are 66 books in the Bible; 39 books in the Old Testament; the majority of which are the five books of Moses aka the Torah: 27 books in the New Testament. The Old Testament theme is an account of a nation; it’s origin, destiny, ups and downs and its history Yet to unfold (IE Israel, Second Coming of Christ ) The New Testament is the account of a man, the creature of the universe whose appearance is the central event of All history. The below is a semi outline of each book.



1) Genesis~ The Book of Beginnings ( The word Genesis means ‘The Beginnings’)

2) Exodus~ The Birth of a Nation

3) Leviticus~ The Laws of that Nation

4) Numbers~ Describes the forty years before the New Nation was able to enter the land that God had set aside for His people; aka the wandering years in the wilderness.

5) Deuteronomy~ A Review of the Laws; Jesus bases most of His quotes from this book.

The next 12 books are Historical Books which are divided into major events in Israel’s history.

6) Joshua~ Succeeded Moses; conquered Canaan

7) Judges ~ a three hundred  year period known as the Judges

8) Ruth~ During the above three hundred year period the book of Ruth was written; the book of Ruth is one of the most important books of the Old Testament. In order to understand the book of Revelation it’s important to understand the book of Ruth.

After the Judges are the records of the Kingdom itself~

9) 1 Samuel~ The Birth of the Kingdom

10) 2 Samuel ~ The reign of King David

11) 1 Kings~ The Kingdom is divided after King David dies; the death of Solomon and the civil war that follows which divides the Kingdom permanently

12) 2 Kings~ The history of the divided Kingdom

13) 1 Chronicles~ The Reign of King David

14) 2 Chronicles~ The history of the southern Kingdom

The Post Exile History Books~

15) Ezra~ The return from Babylonian captivity

16) Nehemiah~ The rebuilding of the City of Jerusalem

17) Esther~ The escape from extermination under the Persian Empire

The Five Books of Poetry~

18)  Job~ ‘Peeking behind the curtain’

19) The Book of Psalms ( Actually this book is compiled of five books)  the hymnbook of the Nation. The Book of Psalms includes someextraordinary prophesies .

20) Proverbs~ The Wisdom of Solomon

21) Ecclesiastes~Solomon speaks about the vanity of life

22) Song of Songs ~ a mystical book about love and other topics

The Five Major Prophets~ ( Many prophecies unfolding now! )

23) Isaiah~ The Messianic Prophet 

24) Jeremiah~ mainly about the desolation of Jerusalem

25) Lamentations~ Jeremiah’s dirge over the loss of Jerusalem ( Hence the title Lamentations)  These three books are mainly pre-exile, through Lamentations splits the pre-exile and post-exile Major Prophets.

26) Ezekiel~ is in captivity and while held captive he talks about the rebuilding of the Temple and the restoration of Israel when they ( the Jews) return to the land. Ezekiel also talks about what appears to be a nuclear war~ when Israel is invaded by the north.

27) Daniel~ The times of the Gentiles. Daniel is unique in portraying an overview of all Gentile history-from Babylon until the day God sets up His own Kingdom on earth

The Major Prophets are followed by twelve minor Prophets ~

28) Hosea~ Focuses on the apostasy of the Northern Kingdom ( many situations are similar to current day America)

29) Joel~ Joel speaks of ‘The day of the Lord” a climax which is also in the future

30) Amos~ Amos speaks of the ultimate rule of the dynasty of David on the planet earth ( Most people think when Christ comes, he will rule here on earth; wrong, it’s David. Christ will reign over the whole world)

31) Obadiah~ focuses on the destruction of Edom

32) Jonah~ is a warning to Nineveh;the capital of the pagan world empire at the time

33) Micah~ is best known for prophesying that Bethlehem would be the birth place of the Messiah

34) Nahum~ describes the destruction of Nineveh

35) Habakkuk~ “the just shall live by faith” ~ thus becomes the cornerstone of the three New Testament Epistles

36) Zephaniah~ Prophesies among others, one main being that Israel will be restored and Hebrew will be spoken again  (There was a period of time when Hebrew was not the spoken language but rather Aramaic, however in May 1948 Israel was given back to the Jews and the Hebrew language was restored)

37) Haggai~ Predicts the rebuilding of the Temple ( Happening now)

38) Zachariah~ Numerous prophecies about the second coming of Christ ( Happening now)

39) Malachi~ Final message to the disobedient people ; Also sets the stage for John the Baptist who comes in the spirit and power of Elijah

( **** Of the 1800 plus prophecies in the both the Old and New Testament ALL have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy with the exception of a handful; between 7-10 of which, most are currently unfolding)

In the New Testament there are 27 books. The first 5 are historical books~ the four Gospels and the book of Acts. Twenty one interpretive letters called ‘The Epistles’ follows ending with the book of Revelation. Now each of the four Gospels presents a different and particular perspective. They over lap in many ways yet they each have distinctive vocabularies, emphases and genealogical perspectives.


1) Matthew~ Presents Jesus Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah 

2) Mark~ Presents Jesus Christ as the suffering servant

3) Luke~ Presents Jesus Christ as the Son of man

4) John~ Presents Jesus Christ as the Son of God

5) Acts~ Describes the first thirty years of the formation of the Church

( The Pauline Epistles are interpretive. They explain the revelence of what has previously happened~ including both the Old and New Testament. Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and 1&2 Thessalonians are one group; each book was written to the Church’s with the intention the letters would be circulated. Paul also wrote four letters to Pastors called the Pastoral Epistles ~ 1&2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon.)

6) Romans~ Is the definitive statement of the Christian Doctrine in the New Testament and the most intense book in the NT

7) 1st Corinthians ~ Letters Paul wrote to establish the Church

8) 2nd Corinthians~ Letters Paul wrote to establish the Church

9) Galatians~ considered the key book in reformation, distinguishing between law and grace ( we are saved by grace not by keep Gods laws)

10) Ephesians~ The Heavens; Spiritual Warfare

11) Philippians~ Suffering; joy through suffering ( The faithful will have long suffering here on earth but in Gods kingdom will reap many rewards) ( *The more you study the Bible, you’ll learn there are different rewards after this life. some receive crowns, jewels

12) Colossians ~ Teaches Christ is pre-eminent above all things

13) 1st Thessalonians ~ the Rapture; the mystery of. (Because the English word Rapture is not in the Bible, many people don’t believe in the rapture yet the word rapture came from either the Hebrew or Greek translation)

14) 2nd Thessalonians ~ Clarifies the confusion about the rapture. Both Letters focus on the aspects of the Second Coming; they are ‘End Times’ epistles

15) 1st Timothy~ Pastoral Advice

16) 2nd Timothy~ Pastoral Advice

17) Titus~ Pastoral Advice

18) Philemon~ several lessons but mainly is a model of intersession on the behalf of a runaway slave

Now the Eight Jewish Epistles, Hebrews, James; two by Peter, three by John; one by Jude

19) Hebrews ~ Amplifies the New Covenant ( The authorship of Hebrews remains in question; some think Paul wrote it, others believe it was written anonymously on purpose)

20) James ~ talks about faith demonstrated

21) 1st Peter~ talks about the persecuted Church

22) 2nd Peter~ talks about the coming apostasy; abandonment/renunciation of faith and the ‘End Times’

23) 1st John~ Letter of love

24) 2nd John~ warns of false teachers, prophets

25)  3 John ~ speaks on the preparation of helpers

26)  Jude~ same as 2nd Peter but with OT roots

27) Revelation~ consummation of all things~ Everything in Genesis finds its end in revelation.

(**** In Proverbs 25:2; it reads~ “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. ” As you study Gods word, you will find The Bible contains messages based on both basic and advance crypto logical methods; thus you’ll learn The Bible is an amazing integrated message system! You’ll also learn “The New Testament is in the Old Testament ‘Concealed’ and the Old Testament is in the New Testament ‘Revealed’.” ) 



God Truly Hears Those Who Seek Him & Cry Out For His Help

An Account by Pastor Nate


At 12:17 A.M. on the morning of December 1st, 2015 I heard in my head, aka my spirit—NOT my physical hearing, “Do not interfere with _______, unless he instigates it and then I will _________” (The underscore lines ___ indicates that I did not retain the exact wording of what was said in those particular areas, but I am 99.9% sure of the words quoted in bold…In fact, I will never forget them!)

I then heard a short pause and very clearly I heard the words, “Or you will have the God of Righteous Indignation upon you!” It wasn’t extremely loud, nor was it particularly angry or aggressive, but anyone with a pound of common sense knew the words were from the living God and it was not a threat….IT WAS A PROMISE! As evidence of this fact, almost immediately I might add, I heard a very angry verbal reaction from the voice on the receiving end saying, “He just had to throw that in there!” (He was referencing the promise the Lord made about bringing righteous indignation upon him if he persisted in interfering) I then heard a crashing sound like metal on metal sound. I cannot even begin to speculate what this might have been, but it was unmistakable that the voice on the receiving end was angry as heck and throwing a child-like tantrum.

(THE 2nd BEST PART) About 5 minutes goes by, which seemed a like an eternity at this point as I was just lying there motionless in my bed and then I hear a very firm, but clear voice say, “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” I cannot remember if I was crying at this point or not, but as I start to feel God’s love envelope my entire body, I know beyond any doubt that this firm, but yet loving voice, belongs to the creator of the universe and that he alone is worthy of all Power, all Glory, all Honor and all Praise! As these thoughts were racing through my mind at thousands per second I hear this very faint and sub-servient voice say, “Yes”. Whatever the entity was it knew beyond any doubt who was addressing and it had no intentions of arguing or resisting. It simply affirmed YES and then fell silent.

(THE BEST PART) It is the following morning…. and I am very proud to report…. that I have no headache, no sluggishness and I do not have a deep seated tiredness within me as I did yesterday. I am energetic again and I am on fire to serve my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ!! Praise his great and mighty name!!

Three Important Observations:

First, I don’t know if the voice on the receiving end was Satan’s or a high ranking principality, such as a fallen angel for instance. Whichever the case, this entity clearly had the power to put false words into my head as well as cause me pain on the right side of my head, sluggishness in my legs and a deep seated tiredness in my body. This went on for about a 10-12 hour period the day before, which was Monday November 30, 2015. For the record I have also experienced this previously, but I was not made privy to how Father removed it or stopped it. Clearly this time I was and I stand in absolute awe of his confident power and his non-wavering commitment to protecting those who seek him. I PRAISE YOU FATHER GOD! In the name of Jesus I do this openly and proudly!

Secondly, given what Father said to the entity, it is quite apparent the entity did NOT have the legal authority to do what it had done to me. This shows the willingness for Satan and his cohorts of eternal fire to do everything they can, both with legal authority and without legal authority, to hurt what God loves. In my mind they will take great risk in trying to hurt anyone who follows God. After all, can you imagine having to be threatened by God himself with, “Righteous Indignation” being brought down upon you? I could hardly stand the aforementioned attacks, let alone if God himself was coming against me! Can you imagine!?!

Thirdly, I absolutely believe I was allowed to hear this exchange for the primary purpose of learning from it and bringing this huge learning opportunity to you. This is front lines stuff folks and you cannot put a value on the benefit of understanding how things work in the unseen world.

In closing , I would like to point out that Poppa also allowed me to witness this exchange because he wants us to know how much he loves us and that he will ALWAYS….BAR NONE…stand by his word! In this particular case I used the last part of Matthew 28 verse 20 when crying out to him for relief, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen! The part you don’t know is that I got down on my knees yesterday, crying out to the Lord for help, and I used this verse and humbly asked my Jesus for his help and not to leave me to fight this battle alone. It is important to note this was after using every spiritual warfare tool at my disposal. I rarely, if ever, go to Father and just expect him to remove something unless I have first exhausted what he told us to do in the Bible. Anyway, needless to say folks, our savior showed up in spades and per the usual the lying deceiver fled. The good news for us, and what I want you to remember here, is the enemy will NEVER EVER be able to stand up to the power of Jesus and what he did for us on the cross. If you are at your wits end and you are truly seeking redemption through Jesus Christ then call his name and see the King of Glory do miracles in your life. Amen and Praise his name!

Yours in Christ Forever and Always,

Pastor Nate


“How to Anoint Your Home, Business, Vehicle, Electronics or Personal Property”

To Help Keep Demons, Curses, Witchcraft, Voodoo, Evil Eye, Substance Abuse, Murder, Pestilence, Violence, Crimes, Sexual Immorality, Etc., Away From Your Home, Property, Business, Electronics, Neighborhood, Children, Husband, Wife and Yourself; follow the simple instructions below.


Instructions – Applying Holy Water or Oil:
Purchase Holy Water or Holy Oil from your local Christian Book Store. It should be consecrated in the name of Jesus Christ already, but if not, or you don’t have a place to purchase Holy Water or Holy Oil, then call Pastor Nate and I will walk you through it. (Note: Someone please remind me to make a video on how to consecrate Holy Water or Holy Oil)

Step 1 – Once the Water or Oil is consecrated….aka Anointed….then by using your index finger, put a cross on any place, person or thing you want to be free of demonic infestation or influence. For instance, I have a room in my office where I pray, change clothes and sometimes lay down and sleep. I have a cross of oil above the air mattress, (where I lay down and sleep sometimes) the window, the interior door and all 4 walls. So dab some oil or water on your index finger and simply make a cross in areas like the above. As always these are suggestive so don’t over complicate this. If you have a lap top or desk top computer in this room then be sure and anoint it with the oil or water. By now you should have already figured out that the enemy can very easily operate your cell phone (especially I-Phone type phones as the buttons respond to energy via your touch and spirits are pure energy so it’s very easy for them to manipulate your phone)

Step 2- Then say these words: “Father, in the name of mighty Jesus I come to you with (say which one) “Holy Water” or “Anointed Oil” and I use it to designate the following areas, objects, people, places or things (again, say which one it is) for the kingdom of Heaven through what Jesus did on the cross for me. According to Ephesians 1: 21 Jesus name is the name above all names and 2 Samuel 7:29 says, Therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue forever before thee: For thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken it: and with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed forever.”

Step 3 – Then Command out the Enemy: “All demonic and evil forces of darkness I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to get out of “__________” (state what it is…a person, place or thing). This is now Kingdom property and under the power and control of Jesus Christ. All access by you has been removed by Jesus Christ and unless you have the express permission of Jesus Christ, or legal authority to access these areas, then I hereby remove you, and forbid you from ever coming back, through the power of Jesus Christ’s Blood! I command you now, “Get Out! Go Now! In the name of Jesus Christ and DO NOT COME BACK….EVER!”

(Take a minute here and begin thanking God, in the name of Jesus, for the freedom and protection he affords you. Thanks and Praise is right up there in the top 3 things you need to be doing in your prayer and worship life)

Be aware, if you see no change or difference in the area you are trying to sanctify then this means there is a legal authority or strong-hold. Simply put, call Pastor Nate or some other Deliverance/Exorcist minister of your choosing. You will most likely need assistance in petitioning Jesus to lose you from the grip of the enemy.


Dear Fellow Worshipper & Lover of Jesus Christ,

Please read this blog post and then watch the below video on the Kenyan Orphans & Widows that the Deliverance Revolution Ministry has been trying to support for many months now. This is a need that God brought to the Deliverance Revolution Ministry several months ago and we have been attempting to provide financial help to them for food, blankets, clothing, medicine, etc, etc… and the list goes on and on. These living-breathing precious souls are in Bungoma County Kenya and through no fault of their own need your help. The video link below and the two past articles from the blog will shed some back ground on the past progress we have made and the obstacles the Lord has led us through. It seems to me that God brought them to us and us to them! Praise the Lord and I shall do all I can to provide for the needs of these 400+ individuals. I learned today that I am there only financial support they have in the United States. I believe part of my mission, besides contributing a good size percentage of my ministry’s income, is to garner attention/support for them in the United States. From a worldly view point this is an “Emergency” and needs our attention. Naturally, since I attend here in the states I am attempting to get financial support from them as well, but so far the support has only been the support received through the Deliverance Revolution Ministry. I could go on forever about the issues I face in supporting them, but please just accept this as my formal request for help.


Additionally, the County continues to have record rain fall and subsequent flooding in Bungoma County. This has caused us to have to re-locate 4 of the widows. The hut they lived in, which the ministry rented for them, was just wiped out. We relocated them to other living quarters but they lost everything they had.  I sent an additional $250.00 today (11/27/15) to purchase blankets, basic needs, etc….  for the 4 widows.

Here is the Link for the Flooding:


Previous Blog Post About the Orphans & Widows – Posted on Deliverance Revolution Blog:

Article 1 –

Article 2 –


Who is Pastor Moses? Pastor Moses is a pastor/ overseer of 40 local churches and also has a church that he pastor’s 2 Sundays every month. In between he visits and leads the sister churches and manages and over sees all operations pertaining to the Widows and Orphans located at each of the 40 Churches.

Pastor Moses Contact Info:

        Pastor Moses Nyongesa Wafula * Injesus Global Mission / End Time Church * P.0 Box 1686 Bungoma 5020 Kenya * + 254705520557 * email

In closing, we need to provide $2,000 a month to feed all 400+ widows and orphans. This is the primary goal of this communication.

 Thanks in advance for your generous contribution and your obedience to the living God,


Pastor Nate Thompson


PS- Please share this video and blog post with anyone and everyone who may be interested in planting some 100 fold seed harvest for the future!


Christians Who Open the 7 Chakras Are Demonized!

The following information is provided by Pam Sheppard and Addresses the extreme dangers of opening the 7 Chakras.

Those who have practiced meditation, yoga and who have submitted themselves to various chakra initiations within Eastern belief systems have unknowingly  opened themselves to scores of demons. If you are a practicing Christian  and you are experiencing various energy pulls, shifts, sensations of heaviness, heat and cold, if you find yourself frequently out of control of various body parts, bodily functions  and/or  other manifestations, you are experiencing the outward signs that suggest that you need to be delivered “inside” your spiritual body. Here is why. You have made an invitation to Hindu gods, aka, evil spirits aka demons and fallen angels. Here is a summary of “what has happened.”

Eric Davis playing Jacob Marley's ghost. He is playing all 22 characters in the script, complete with accents. Photo courtesy of Gorilla Theatre

The 7 demonic gateways or doorways

There are seven psychic gates  in the human body that occultists call chakras: The crown of the head,  the forehead between the eyes called the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart,  the navel, the sex organs and the anus. In his testimony, former  grandmaster occultist, “Eric” revealed that these 7 openings are sealed  by God and opened by man through sin.  When they are opened, spirits are  able to pass through these gates or doorways, several at a time.

About  5 years ago, I counseled a very religious man, an Asian who had been  dedicated as a child to Hindu gods, converted as an adult to  Christianity, studying to be a minister in seminary and a member of a  7th day Adventist church. He came to me because he was hearing  condemning, accusatory voices throughout each day.  In counseling we  discovered that “James” was not saved. James has been a long time  practitioner of yoga, a spiritual discipline whose goals are to “open  the 7 gateways.” James’s gateways were wide open. The Lord gave James a  dream, showing him that over each chakra, sat a Hindu deity, aka a  demon–as follows:

  1. The Anus—Brahma
  2. The sex organs Vishnu and Rakini
  3. the Navel—Vahni
  4. The Heart—Isha
  5. the Throat—Savashiva
  6. The Third Eye—Hakini
  7. The crown—Shiva

During  the  telephone deliverance session, James discerned that scores of  demons were running in and out of each of his gates.  So to stop this, I  had to close the gates by casting out each of the 7 deities. Calling  them by their Hindu names, one by one, they came out roaring, cursing,  screaming and speaking in tongues.  By the way, James had never spoken  in tongues, other than in the  session.

This was a unique  deliverance.  I had never heard of any such thing before or since.  However, after reading what Eric had to say, I will certainly perform  this ritual with others. James was not only delivered of the torment,  but all of his religiosity completely disappeared.

Eric reports  in his book that he has projected himself into the bodies of weak  pastors through the first gateway, the anus. When “inside”, he would  evaluate the pastor’s spiritual power through his aura, a feat that Eric  accomplished in two minutes. If the aura is a certain color, then Eric  knows the person is weak in faith. In most cases, the power of the  pastor was weak because of fornication. In his own words, “There are  many men, women, boys and girls who are ravening wolves or agents of  different demons, operating in different churches all over the world.  Women and girls are more in this connection then men. The presence of  such agents in Christian churches will always guide astral spirits on  how to advance their manipulations against Christians.”

According to Eric, the sins that open the 7 gates are:

  1. sexual intercourse with a demon in a dream or sex with a prostitute
  2. drugs
  3. visiting a fortune-teller
  4. receiving healing through occult powers
  5. reading occult books.
  6. Anger. (By anger, demons transmit certain diseases or sicknesses.  Demons will manipulate people to seek solutions from witches and  occultist—a psychic healer–who himself is an agent of demons in  disguise.

This is no surprise to me. Our Deliverance Assessment  Form gleans this kind of information from clients.  What Eric confirms   is that human spirits, witches and warlocks, and people skilled  in astral travel can enter into one or more of the 7 gates with their  own spirits, and function as if they were a demon spirit. Now I  understand why the Holy Spirit has often led me to call the spirit by  name—a mother, father, relative, rapist, any human being who has put  my client into bondage. In my deliverance counseling practice, I have had success with not only casting out demons but also casting out human spirits from a captive to a demonic soul tie.

If you have opened any of these 7 gateways, you need to have demons expelled from each chakra and then each chakra must be shut down and closed tightly,  the way God intends for them to be.



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