A Message From Pastor Nate


My name is Pastor Nate Thompson and I am an ordained Christian minister in Atlanta, GA. My ministry is 100% focused on DeliverPastor Nate Thompsoning & Healing precious souls from the numerous layers of bondage that can exist in a person’s life.  As a result of Christ’s free gift to us I can assist you in becoming “loosed” from sickness and demonic bondage through the power of Jesus Christ. The methods I use are 100% Biblically based and directly commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything I do is straight out of the New Testament.  It is very important to know that Deliverance is available to all of God’s children. It is a right of believers, so no matter what denomination you are, you can be healed or set free. You do not have to live in bondage to the enemy.  Even if you are not currently a believer…. it doesn’t matter…. I will be honored to assist you in reclaiming the life that God intended you to live.  So if you know there is something wrong in your life and your willing to reach out to me then I will be happy to do everything I can to assist you in obtaining healing and/or healing.  In particular if you have been sick with a long term illness and your Doctor has you on all sorts of medicines, but nothing seems to change much, then call me….reach out!  Everything we discuss is in absolute confidence and will not be shared with anyone without your permission.  You have nothing to lose by reaching out and everything to gain.  Even if you are in need of prayer, call me and I will be happy to pray for you.  

Very few people are aware of this fact, but Jesus spent 3 years of his ministry teaching us how to live free from demonic strong-holds and bondages. When Christ healed people all he required was that the individual he was healing “believe”.  However,  these days we are seeing healing and deliverances take place among non-believers,  so long as the one doing the deliverance & healing believes. Christ told us in John 14: 12, Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” 

We are heading into some amazing times and all though I am now 51 years old I absolutely believe before I leave this Earth we will see supernatural wonders being performed by God’s children on a day in and day out basis. If you want to be free I am willing to help you, but you must want it and be willing to reach out to me. This is all I require.


This All Sounds Great, But How Much Does Pastor Nate’s Help Cost Me?


6 thoughts on “A Message From Pastor Nate”

  1. Hi pastor my name is jeffrey Dufresne and i would like if you can intercede for myself , farah sandra cusheon a demon possess and Celine pool from a tormented siprit .By reading your books i know your faith in the lord can intercede for them and bring about break through.Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” – James 5:13-15

  2. Hello, I hope all is well. My name is T.B. and this yr I got some bad news. I found out my husband is having an affair and that the strange woman might be with child. My husband has abandoned me and our 3 kids and all he says is sorry and it’s his fault and I should move on. I grew up in the church and as I got older I stopped attending as much. I’m hurt and been tuning into God more. Most of all I’m trying to hear him and know signs for guidance. I love my husband and im willing to forgive like God has forgiven me. Yet if a baby is involved then I will move on because I can’t live with a slap in my face everyday. Ive been praying , going back to church, getting quiet time so that I can hear anything but nothing. I have not yet told my family about everything because this is my fight, I’m ashamed, embrassed and they are not married nor haven’t been through this? I’m ready for my wilderness season to be over. He lost his dad and my brother in law this yr also. I’m trying to hold to my faith, yet I get, discourage. I’m pray for strange woman to have a miscarriage wound & dry breast. For her reproductive system and organs to be impotent. I pray for God to remove the scales from my husbands eyes , soften his heart, return his love for me and bring him home. I also pray for a miracle restoration in our marriage and divine acceleration. Now I’m coming to you to ask that you please pray for me, my family and my marriage. Thank you for your time and for being there when no one else can. May God continue to bless you & your family.

    1. T.B. …. I am sorry about your marriage, but what concerns me most is you praying curses on the woman he is being unfaithful with. Jesus said to pray blessings on those who curse you and despitefully use you. I strongly suggest you repent immediately and begin the process of praying blessings over this woman. I am in a hurry right now, but if you will come to the online prayer group we can explain further what you need to be doing to be obedient to the word of God. You can’t go by your feelings…those are being led by the enemy right now, so stay on the marriage prayer and keep a steady diet of forgiveness in you and above all pray for the woman. You trying to speak witchcraft over this woman is NOT the answer your looking for. You will not achieve the outcome you seek.

      Here is the link to prayer group: https://deliverancerevolution.org/online-deliverance-room/

      Here is the link for the marriage prayer. Pray this once or twice a day, but above all give thanks for your circumstance and press in as it pertains to your praising and thanking the Lord for your circumstance. It is the ONLY thing that will work. https://deliverancerevolution.org/online-deliverance-room/

      If you want to contact me here is that link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/contact-us/

      God bless you sister and I am truly sorry your going through this, but LOVE, PRAISE, THANKS AND WORSHIP AND PRAYING BLESSINGS OVER THE OTHER WOMAN IS THE ONLY WAY THROUGH THIS. Trust me! I work with 100’s with the exact same situation. Press in sister!!

  3. TB, forgiveness is not an option. As Christians we must forgive no matter how much they have hurt us. Jesus went to the cross and forgave us. He paid a price we could not pay even if it was our debt.
    No one is perfect, just pray and ask God to open the eyes of your understanding and bless the pregnant woman and give her a healthy child to love. You will be bless as you bless others. God is love and He loves you and you art to show the same kind of love. I prayed for you and your husband.

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