A Very Powerful Prayer Against Demons & Satan

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I rebuke and bind all anti-prayer demons in the air, on the earth, under the earth, in the sea and all the waters above and underneath e.g. rivers, dams, etc.

I destroy all hindrances against my prayers in Jesus’ Name. I also rebuke and bind all anti-deliverance demons, anti-progress demons, anti-prosperity demons and anti-miracle demons.

I use the fire of the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus Christ to destroy all spiritual cellophane covering the air. I destroy every covering that the devil has made around or against me in Jesus’ Name. I destroy every cage, every chain, every cord and every bag of witches against me. I prophesy to the East wind to blow away every smoke screen of the devil against my prayers in Jesus’ Name.

I destroy Satan’s entire web that has entangled me. I loose myself from all the powers of darkness against me. I break myself loose from the powers of witches, wizards, spiritual husbands, spiritual wives, spiritual children, spiritual homes, spiritual properties, familiar spirits, water spirits, dead human spirits, etc.

I break in pieces every spiritual screen, which Satan is using in monitoring me. I destroy every spiritual mirror, spiritual tape, spiritual camera, spiritual satellites and all spiritual properties that Satan has set against me.

I rebuke, bind and cast out of my life all evil terrestrial and celestial spirits against me in Jesus’ Name. I stand on this Word and condemn all properties and weapons against me in Jesus’ Name. I bind all powers of witches, wizards, demigods, familiar spirits, water spirits, all chief evil spirits, spirits of weakness and every other evil spirit working against my life and my progress in Jesus’ Name. satan, all evil spirits and servants of Satan, I destroy every covering you have made to protect yourself from the Holy Spirit fire, no matter your level, rank, office and area of operation in the spirit.

In the powerful Name of Jesus Christ I destroy any of my properties in the spirit world – anywhere my image, my properties, my pictures, my clothes, my money, my name, any parts of my body, my finger nails or my hair is in the air, on the earth, underneath the earth or in the waters above or underneath, in rivers and in seas, before swine or idols, in the covens or temple of Satan – I ask the Holy Spirit’s fire to destroy the items of Satan working against me and testifying against me through those properties in Jesus’ Name.

In the victorious and powerful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I ask You, Lord to loose my heart, my soul, and my mind in the spirit. I destroy any cage, chain, bag or prison room
where Satan has tied my heart, my soul and my mind. I ask You Holy Spirit to destroy all the power of the demons on guard against my heart, my soul and my mind.

Heavenly Father, I bring the sins of my ancestors before You. I confess all their sins, including the killing of human beings, worshipping of idols, selling and buying of human beings, sacrificing human beings to idols, demons and Satan, eating human flesh and every other evil and wicked act that they have done.

I break and nullify all curses, covenants and initiations made by my ancestors or by myself in the air, on the earth, under the earth, in the waters above or underneath. In Jesus’ Name I come against all curses I have made against myself, against my progress and my future knowingly or unknowingly.

I destroy all curses hiding in the air, on the earth, under the earth, in the waters above and beneath the earth, rivers, seas, dams, etc. I nullify and render all of you harmless in Jesus’ Name. I rebuke and bind the demons assigned to the curses in Jesus’ Name and I command you to become the footstool of the Lord Jesus Christ. I reverse the curses and change them into blessings.

I come against all the covenants I have made with idols, demons, water spirits, spiritual husbands, spiritual wives, spiritual children, dead human spirits, etc. in the physical, in the spiritual or in dreams. I cancel these covenants and declare them null and void in Jesus’ Name.

All the initiations I have made against myself, I destroy all of them in Jesus’ Name. I withdraw my membership from such initiations.

I cancel my Name from the register of satan. I declare myself free from today in the Name of Jesus. JESUS HAS REDEEMED ME BY HIS BLOOD! Remove from me all the curses of disobedience to Your commandments, O Lord. Rebuke the devourer from my life. Withdraw the locust, cankerworm, caterpillar and the palmerworm from me. Give me the former and the latter rain and fill me again with Your blessings in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name I destroy and nullify any enchantments, spells, charms, incantations, curses, covenants, initiations and manipulations from any idols, witches, wizards, priests, water spirits, and abortions, from any coven, spiritual temple and mystic homes in the air, the land and the sea.

In the Name of Jesus I destroy all covenants and initiations made on my behalf in the air, on the earth, under the earth and in the waters above and beneath, rivers, dams, seas, etc. I destroy all the evil properties involved in the curses and covenants and initiations against me with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

I bind and chain all the evil spirit guards (gatekeepers) that are in charge of these curses, covenants, initiations, spells, charms, etc. against my life. I destroy the deed of agreement in the Name of Jesus. I also destroy any salt covenant that was made through any meal.

Heavenly Father, I now separate myself from all curses, covenants, initiations, etc. Made against me. I have been set free to choose whom I serve. I now declare that every curse is broken, nailed to the cross and reversed into a blessing. Christ became a curse so that I can be blessed! Thank You Jesus! I choose to serve the Heavenly Father, God of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit. I am a new creation, recreated by Christ Jesus.

MATT 12:37: “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Father, let me be justified now by the words of my mouth. Today, I __________ declare myself a heavenly citizen and a member of the family of Jesus of Nazareth. Whoever touches me, touches the Apple of God’s Eye. No weapon formed against me any longer shall by any means prosper in my life and any tongue that shall rise against me in judgment shall be destroyed completely in Jesus’ Name. I now receive peace, righteousness, justice, security and victory over ungodly opposition, as part of my inheritance of my Father and declare myself a bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Advocate and Righteousness.



26 thoughts on “A Very Powerful Prayer Against Demons & Satan”

    1. Yes, Amen! This prayer is so powerful. I just said it out loud. I’ve been under demonic attach for almost 12 Yeats. They have Prime in the hospital 4 times and almost died twice first day in hospital. To prove I’m not nuts, I began recording inside my home and everywhere I went. I have about 200 videos with spirits chanting placing curses on me and raping me, etc. I even have them caught on. Video walking around, pics of scratched too. I’ve had an exorcism and paranormal society here. Nothing helped. It just escalated things after and attacked those here. I don’t know what to do. I sleep with a bible between my legs and sit down with one on my lap. That helps.

      1. Diana….

          stop recording demons and taking pictures of them.

        If you pursue the enemy you shall receive the enemy. What your doing is called necromancy. Jesus is the only answer…DO NOT CALL PARANORMAL PEOPLE OR NEW AGE PEOPLE….THEY ARE as lost as you are and will only open more doors. Click on the below link and come to the group where I can show you how to get free and your home free. Know in advance that Jesus is the only way to freedom. As you know…nothing else works!!


        I have experience with what your talking about….scratches etc….but you must come to the prayer group for me to help you. OK?

        Love in Christ,

        Pastor Nate

      2. hi im new 2 demonic possesion or something pretty bad but its been a bit over a month no one beileves me did anyone on this site know anyone preist like tht can help its real iv tried the mental path hoping it would work but it didnt they are doin the same as you described but i havent heard the chant rape and trying to kill me i always feel something going through my heart …..

        1. Cory,
          You can join us everyday but Sunday at 11am eastern standard time in the zoom room for deliverance, healing, etc…etc… We are a full gospel ministry and he is welcome to come get free in Jesus name.
          Here is the link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/contact-us/
          Once I receive this form I will respond to him or you by email.
          Love in Christ,
          Pastor Nate

  1. I need a prayer protection because my ex-wife and family was doing voodoo on me. Please say a prayer against the whole family. m EXWIFE WAS DOING VOODOO AGAINST ME PLEASE HELP

    1. Brother Zach….Jesus said to love forgive and pray for those who come against us…NOT pray against them. So I will pray that you love and forgive them and I even suggest you go wash all their feet. I have also included the marriage prayer and I am suggesting you pray this every day. Jesus is in control….the devil doesn’t have power over you….Jesus said, “In my name they will cast out demons”…not the other way around. I love ya brother! Here is the link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Marriage-Prayer-Part-1-Declarations-To-Speak-and-Pray-Over-Your-Marriage.pdf

      Love in Christ,

      Pastor Nate

  2. Hi,dear pastor my name is ABEL.I came across your site recently.pls pray for me as i’m in need of deliverance from demons,curse and addiction.my life is spinning out of control.pls help.

  3. Yes! I want to thank you for your obedience to Jesus Christ for posting this powerful prayer. I will continue to use it and share it with others. I will also pray that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to enlighten you, bless you, strengthen your inner being and The Blood of Jesus over you and your family.

    I would also like to have you and whoever feels led by the Holy Spirit please pray for us. What I mean by us, is it’s been 1 year and 13 days since my wife divorced me. Prior to this she and I were both drinking quite a bit, she started using medical marijuana, and I was battling with a cycle of cocaine and meth addiction. November of 2018 I received a disturbing phone call from my wife at the time, informing me that her baby boy was dead. Well come to find out, her 14-year-old son had committed suicide. For approximately 13 plus years prior to my wife getting saved. She battled with regret, unforgiveness, lost time, etc. Her addiction, causing separation from her son which is now deceased, and her other daughter. My ex-wife had a total of 3 children. The oldest of them all I was given the opportunity to raise her since she was 8 years old. Still today she carries my last name and calls me dad. I am truly grateful for my daughter, along with my 2 biological children, that I to had struggled with the similar things I mentioned in reference to my wife, due to drug addiction as well.

    I have so much more to say about the struggles me and my wife have had to face. I also have so much to share about the many victories we had through Jesus as well. I would like to ask that you all would unify yourselves with me and pray first that my ex-wife will re-establish her relationship with Jesus Christ, also the same for myself, I would also like to pray that Our Lord The Redeemer, Healer, Restorer. Will restore my relationship with my wife in the name of Jesus. I haven’t stopped praying for her one bit and I still believe this is the Lord’s will for both of us. I would also like to pray for deliverance for both of us. I miss my family and I’ve seen the Lord bless us mightily, but since the divorce, I’ve seen a lot of loss, struggles, etc. Please keep in mind that both I and my wife are ordained ministers, the Lords used us mightily in youth ministry and counseling in the past. I would like to thank you so much for what you do and I pray that the Lord will bless you abundantly, never lacking in any area, In the name of Jesus Christ!

    1. I wrote you a long message, but it got lost before I could send it to you Nate, it was hard for me to write, I don’t know how I lost it.. I need prayer now and I need it soon. I’m full of anxiety I have suffer from anxiety most of my life my, phone number is 239-365-9983 can I call you Nate what’s your phone #

    2. I wrote a letter 2 times and I lost them on my computer before I could send them, I need help I can’t write it again I did twice now, my skills on the computer are lacking so much , I’m confused in a lot of areas in my life now, Iam reaching out to you for deliverance or guidance it what I should do now get delivered or stay the course… I lived a life of an entertainer for over 25 years, doing almost all the “do not do s” except homosexuality, by the grace of God, never led that way was too occupied with beautiful women which was my former wife before the Lord took her home to be with Him, my testimony is too long to write it again. I need help now ASAP….I’m hanging on to the arm of the Father am\nd the hand of Jesus.

  4. I have been going through a demonic and satanic attack for the past 7 years. I’ve been in and out of the hospital. Some of the things I suffer are the same as some others who replied. I recently had a severe attack . Many people have been praying for me! My mother and I spends countless hours in prayer, night and day. The attacks got worse. Please pray for my deliverance.

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