Contact Us
Are you looking for deliverance and healing? Contact us by clicking the short form below. Pastor Nate will help you with Deliverance, Healing, Exorcism, Breaking witchcraft, and discipleship to stay free of demons. Deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn self-deliverance prayers and how to cast demons out of others.
Deliverance Revolution Ministries, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization and ALL financial gifts are tax deductible.
If you would like to Join us for one or both of our online prayer meetings it is REQUIRED that you fill out the form below with your information before joining our free zoom prayer room sessions. Enter valid current contact information and Pastor Nate will respond as soon as possible.
By submitting this form, you are granting: Deliverance Revolution Ministry, Inc., 431 Grove St. N Ste F / Box 7, Dahlonega, GA, 30533, permission to email you. You may unsubscribe via the link found at the bottom of every email.
After you’ve filled out the form click the link below to join the online Prayer meeting on zoom.
Online Deliverance Prayer Room
Thanks for all your devotion to the LORD’S work. I’m learning so much and using your prayers online and actually I’ve downloaded all of them
Thanks for your support Mary! Be sure and join us in our online prayer groups. Check out the link above for “online prayer room”. Love in Christ, Nate
Can you check your messages or emails. I have tried to contact and my situation is an emergency.
Stefanie….I have sent two email responses to the email address you provided in the contact forms you sent me. One of the responses I sent you was on the night of the 2nd. 3 days ago. I also sent another email tonight, but no response. I even sent it from home after a long day of ministry and trying to move the ministry’s office to a new location. I have not received responses to either one of my responses to you, nor seen you in any of the groups. I am truly sorry your having a hard time. Help is available….just follow the steps in the email. I love you and God bless you.
Pastor Nate
hey nate its Ben was wondering if God has a word of knowledge for me? I’ve been bound by these spirits a long time and I wanna be free completely but I keep giving into sin can you please ask for a word to do with My situation I haven’t heard him in so long
Hey Ben,
Yes, I have a lot of words for you brother. Can u come to the zoom room so I can refresh my memory?
Here is the contact us link:
Look forward to catching up,
Can i get help also urgently
yes. I responded to the contact us form you sent. Follow the instructions. Here is the link to the zoom room:
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
Brother God bless you. Am happy you are still in the race.Here we are in his vineyard working Antony and I.we prayer that God projects empowers you to overcome every challenge. Let light of Jesus Christ shine before you always. God bless you keep me posted. You have open doors as per Rev:3
Merry Christmas to you gentlemen and God bless you richly in 2021….In Jesus mighty name!!!
i need prayer from spirit of rejection.
Amen sister Gladys! We enjoyed praying for you in group tonight and you got some good deliverance….To God be the glory!!
Join us sister:
Please pray for my son Wyatt and myself that we may be healed from this demonic affliction. Please pray for our safety and well being…
I am on it sister and please feel free for Wyatt, or yourself or both of you, to come to group and get some prayer. He needs to invite Jesus in his life….this will change him forever. Here is the link for him and you to join us everyday at 11AM Eastern time.
I am praying sister….I will put his name on the prayer wall. Also, thank you for sowing into the ministry. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH THIS IS NEEDED just to keep the doors open and the lights on. Thank you sister!!
I attended a church here in Nigeria not knowing the pastor was a Freemason. When I decided to leave the church for some reasons, I began seeing attacks from some sort of spiritual python that operates physically. I believe they’re defeated by the blood Jesus has shed. Just join me in prayer.
I come in agreement with you in prayer brother against all witchcraft and curses and in particular the spirit of Python.
Additionally, I offer this prayer to bind up Python from our website. Please use it liberally. Here is the link:
Love in Christ,
Brother Nate
I shall connect with you Brother Nate. I have gone through a fast and now free of seizures. Taking your test as well as connecting for I want freedom from all. was born in 58, abandoned by parents, a witch had me for the first six months of my life. Got adopted, learned about 5+ years ago, I was molested until 11 years of age by adopted dad……………. and the list continues. God has certainly been setting me free, yet I am learning of the discerning of spirits too. Side note. I am a author, artist, and photographer that Our GOD and CREATOR Created.
shalom brother.
We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you. Praise Jesus!!
Here is the link to contact us:
Love in Christ,
Hello Nate I was told to contact u if I have some symptoms I do but I do feel they can easily be explained but I’m not shure I studied the bible before and professed my faith to CHRIST but I have things I want to get rid of but not shure what it could be but need to talk more
Hey brother…is nice meeting you in group for the time you were there. I strongly encourage you to keep coming and stay the course. I have seen Father God do many amazing things through that group. Here is the link for the contact us form. Once I receive it I will respond by email. Here is the link:
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
Hello pastor Nate, am Ivan from Uganda Africa. I got this link from a friend and a brother in Christ called John from Washington DC. We are having orphans that we are helping to meet their needs of their life like education, medication, shelter, food, safe and clean drinking water to the children and the community at large. The reason for bringing this to your attention, is to ask for support through prayer, financials to help in facilitating the orphanage. And Well, I welcome all the well wishers to come join us to donate, to volunteer and to fund is in serving the lord both at the church and at the orphanage. Thank you and God bless you.
Yours in Christ
Ivan waiswa.
Hey Ivan! Thanks for the opportunity brother, but all my money is gone. I spent all my money in Bungoma, Kenya feeding orphans and I have been unable to raise any support here in the United States since before or after that time. I eventually gave up trying to raise money and removed the information about the orphans in Kenya off my website. I tried for many years to raise money, but to no avail. Most months I am barely able to support my own ministry. I find that most Christians sow into cold dead ground if they sow at all. Christians in America now tend to migrate and gravitate towards what feels good and what they want to hear. They don’t like giving so they dig up one scripture out of the Bible that they can twist into a different meaning and use it as a basis not to give. Anyway, enough of my experience. I am sorry brother, but keep up the great work. I wish I could help, but I tried for many many years to no avail. Love in Christ, Brother Nate
I am the one on the group who is Lillie.
Hey Lilli!! Praise Jesus! We missed you at group Friday!!
Love in Christ,
Brother Nate
Pastor Nate helped my family in a time when we were literally falling apart and needed great help. We did not know who to ask or where to go and he not only helped us but he also restored our sense of hope, and that is priceless and such an important Gift feom God. We are eternally grateful for him and his work for the Kingdom!
Thanks for you guys support and the love offering! I truly appreciate and love you guys!! May God continue to bless and pour out his favor on you guys. Come see us in the prayer group sometime.
Love in Christ,
Dear Pastor Nate,
I kindly need God deliverance from a strange lady coming to have sex and romance with me in the dream. I have been praying severally and went for a deliverance session but the lady keep coming. I have fasted and pray but keep seeing this in my dream. I need total deliverance from God. Please assist in seeking the face of God.
You have a spirit spouse tormenting you sexually. It believes it has legal rights to torment you because of your sexual sin. Be sure you stop sinning and take every thought captive that involves sex immediately. If you entertain sexual thoughts and lust during the day its going to allow sexual dreams at night. You need to repent of lust and all sexual sins and do the following prayers below.
Sexual Sins Prayer –
• Prayer Against Spirit Spouse –
• Prayer Against Spirit Spouse II –
• Door Closing Prayer –
If you want, feel free to join our online prayer group. Here is the link to contact us:
God bless you!
Brother Nate
I’ve been have terrible sexual thoughts come into my mind. Could you pray for my mind to be free.
I received your contact us form. I will respond in the morning when I get to the office and send you an email on how to obtain deliverance. In the mean time I would dig into the sexual sins prayers and spirit spouse prayers on the website. Make sure you stop sinning and repent for your sins. That’s the key!
LOVE in Christ,
Brother Nate
Dear pastor Nate,i am 18 .been struggling with demonic oppression over my sleep and dream for the past ten years since I was a child. ( could be a generational curse or a illegal attacks ) ,not sure. I have struggled and suffered a lot in my life with sleep but I found Jesus and I has freed me from servals entities in the demonic brigade assigned to torment me . I have even recently defeated the seducing spirit of lust and perversion because of your paryers( thank you pastor) .I need help with probably the last spirits of their squad; he/they are stubborn, it has a dominion over my comes in ,y dreams in different persons,shape and paralysis manipulate my dreams( fearful dreams,demonic etc) it gains it power from my mind,gives me thoughts that are not mine ,gives me insomnia,refuses to go when you rebuke tortures my brain,do you have any idea what spirit it could be? God bless
Brayan…I don’t know the name of the spirit, but I do know the name…. and have a intimate relationship with…. the one who will destroy it! His name is Jesus and Ephesians 1:21 tells me his name is above every type of demon and every word ever spoken or will be spoken.
So the name of the spirit or demon is not hugely important to me, but you getting free is important. Fill out this link….its very short…and I will respond to you by email once I receive it. We can go from there! OK? Thanks for reaching out, we love you and Jesus loves you even more!! Here is the link:
Hi pastor. Just been experiencing a lot hurt, suicidal thoughts, rejection and been very depressed. Please pray for me.
Hey Sister Charlene…I think we are connected on skype now and we messaged a good bit the other day and I sent you prayers, etc…. If memory serves me, you were supposed to come to group and receive prayer and I think I saw you only a few minutes in the group. Sister, your going to need to press in to get free. The spirits in your mind are going to try and get you to stay out of the group….so it isn’t going to necessarily feel good to come to prayer group, but its what you need. I love you and I will help you, but I need you to submit to the process. Ok sister? Love in Christ, Brother Nate
I am in need of prayer for deliverance and financial breakthrough
Isle….I hear ya….me too!!! LOL!!! Seriously, come to the online group and get some prayer. The link below is how you go about doing that.
Once I receive your submission I will respond by email and invite you to the group. Praise Jesus!!
Pastor Nate
Need prayer for healing and deliverance from spirit spouse and python spirits. Praying for God’s favor, healing and restoration for me and my family. Thank you!
We would be glad to help. Use the link below and I will respond to you with information about how to not only obtain prayer, but change your life in ways most never imagined!
Love in Christ,
Greetings in Jesus’name.
I kindly request you to pray for me to be healed from stomach and private parts demons torturing me, pastor Nate.
In love and light,
Deacon Roberts.
I am on it brother and you can also join our online deliverancr websites. See the contact us form on the website and I will respond. Jesus is King! Pastor Nate
I’m trying to contact but the form won’t process as I’m from the U.K.
I was delivered originally by a Pentecostal charismatic church but the spirits came back slowly, and I’m having muscle movements and a popping ear and really need help
Artem…I think the form is processing fine. I received it I was out for a day celebrating the birth of Jesus of Christ. I hope you had a fantastic Christmas as well? Anyway, here is the link and when I receive it I will respond and you can join us for prayer, deliverance, healing and an intimate relationship with God through Jesus. We love you and we look forward to meeting you.
I would like your assit doing thy Lords work
Hey John….send in this contact us form and I will contact you back and invite you into the groups and ministry. We look forward to meeting you.
Love in Christ,
John…send this contact us form in and I will respond to you by email. We will be glad to help you.
Here is the link:
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
I want to be set Free In Jesus Name!!!!
Amen sister!! Keep coming to the group everyday you can!!
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
Pastor Nate…I’m begging and pleading ..if you see this comment my email is at and I’m in desperate need I want to give my life to the Lord but I’m struggling with false religion and it’s killing me …I need deliverance….Its so bad my thoughts are turning suicidal …please e mail…me
Lola…I received your contact form….sorry I didn’t respond over the weekend. I was not in the house on my day off. Please follow the instructions in the email I sent you and we will see you in the deliverance prayer group. Try and relax…the enemy is simply tormenting your mind. Use the prayers off the website. Fight back sister!!! Do Warfare!!
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
Thankyou so much
Hey i need someone to cast this demon from me ive been going thru it since 2018 it is fully manifested nearly all of the time it speaks out of my mouth and more almost always please help me i live in gainsville ga 7703742834
Brenton….click this link and send this in. When I receive it I will respond back to you by email. Here is the link:
Talk to you soon,
Pastor Nate
Please help
I sent you an email to invite you to our deliverance groups and you responded. I will be seeing you soon, but in the mean time call on the name of Jesus and use these prayers. They are very powerful prayers:
We will see you soon once you follow the instructions in the email I sent you.
Love in Christ,
Good afternoon pastor I’m a young 22 year old who been through demonic oppression especially witchcraft I wanted to get in contact with you to get some deliverance & learn how to stay delivered contact me back when u have a chance
Hey Cliff…..I received your contact request. I will respond today to it and then follow the instructions in the email I send you. In the mean time use the prayers on the prayer page off the website. Use prayers from the section titled Daily, Deliverance and Warfare” section.
We will talk to soon…Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
Link to Prayer Page:
Good Afternoon Pastor. im an older Gentleman, i need deliverance to remove this demonic, do not know. what it is but i need to bind it in Jesus Name, because every time i want to attend church either i fall asleep or something else occurs. i want to get closer to Jesus Christ and studying different prayers need more insight Pastor. need some assistance.
We would be glad to help. Use the link below and I will respond to you with information about how to not only obtain prayer, but change your life in ways most never imagined!
Love in Christ,
I can’t do zoom; but I can do phone. I will
Pay or I have iPhone « FaceTime « . I am desperate to get this done because I want to be obedient to God the Father. Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Helen Heighington.
Helen….See the email I sent you. Download skype its free and we can communicate directly through video call. We don’t really do deliverance over the phone….it’s a process, a total and complete lifestyle change….it’s not a one-time event. You really need to join our online community and learn how to get free and stay free. I will be glad to help you, but there a few basic things your going to need to follow. Follow the instructions in the email.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
Hi Pastor Nate, I would like to have the Deliverance Manual.
I did give a seed/love gift. Do you have specific prayers to close the doors for Reiki and 7Chakras for Deliverance of someone who coming out of new-age. Thanks, God bless!
Evette and Kevin…I have sent the manual a couple of times now. Check your junk or spam folder. I sent it as an attachment. PS – Thanks for the love offering!! Jesus is King!
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
when is your next deliverance service and zoom meeting ? i live in Georgia
Everyday at 11:00 AM Eastern Standard time in the zoom room. We look forward to meeting you.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
Please pray for me. I suffered a miscarriage recently on december 8th due to unknown causes I know I’m tormented with spirit husband’s. Please help me with deliverance.
Debbie…it was nice seeing you in the prayer group today. Please click this link and send me the following form. Here is the link:
Love in Christ,
Hello Pastor Nate, i need deliverance from witchcraft, idolatry, familiar and other spirits, i count 6. Its long story, in short turn out my great grandmother was witch, grandmother was witch, mother i guess is witch, not sure about that but sure she consist in some kind masonic organization, her husband 100% active mason, my big sister had been partake in animal sacrifice, also was drug addict, after that was baptized, and everything was more or less ok, until she travels to Thailand, after that she, and for reason i, get eczema, her second husband was mentally unstable, one time he threaten to kill me while foaming from his mouth, now in mental facility for life, my niece is fully possessed, like she can speak latin but backwards, also have taro cards, also her grandfather made confession at his deathbed to her, later she tell me, that he made deal with devil to have power to curse people, my little sister one rime have dream where she woke up, come to her computer, suddenly surge protector start sparking, after that she become heavy smoker. and it only surface symptoms, dont know what cause them, and worse of all nobody wants to acknowledge they have problems, specially mother and her husband, they simple deny all masonic involvement. biggest problem that i dont have place to go with all of it, all churches in my town are under masons, they even have this in city, on first photo picture in center is tower of Tatlin, modernist version of tower of babel, you can even search it, architect openly admit it, second photo speaks for itself, pyramid and one eye one top.
so Pastor Nate please help me.
Nikolay….come to the zoom deliverance and healing group. Send in this contact us form and I will respond to you with an invitation to join the zoom group. We look forward to seeing you get free in the name of Jesus Christ. Here is the link:
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
Please pray for my deliverance, and mercy despite disobedience.
Absolutely! God bless you my friend!!
Please pray for me that my girlfriend Kimberly gets cured of her illness today by the doctors in the hospital and for her to respond to my Hotmail in Gmail messages come onto messaging.
We absolutely will. Come to the daily prayer meeting in the zoom room for more prayer.
God bless you
Thanks for the prayers on the website and godly counsel and the prayer room.
Thank you sister for your love and support! May God continue to bless you!!
I’m so glad I found this group. I immediately got healed of COVID and demonic oppression. That heavy feeling on my face and chest that I had when I first came for deliverance has not returned and I’ve been healthy ever since. Thank you for the prayers and the daily confessions.
Thank you sister Lin! Your hunger for freedom and Jesus is inspiring. We love having you here and thank you for being a part of our prayer group!
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
I am working with a deacon in deliverance after 65 years of spirits coming in since childhood. I received the Lord, young, no memory, at 16 when invited to a youth fellowship, the Holy Spirit. Never read the bible or went to church after a young age. A year ago I opened a door around lust that had been a part of my life. In 2 deliverances I received a few days grace from the attacks prior to the deliverance. Since, I have discovered a multitude of spirits that have entered my life between birth and 65 yrs old. The first deliverances didn’t approach the casting out of demons, just prayer. I work with the most difficult clients in our deep downtown streets. The attacks got so much worse, and these spirits came out of the woodwork while in employment with this agency. A few weeks ago, after some difficulties with employer who I talked to about Jesus, he got upset and pursued me. He bullied me and the spirits attacked my upper boss (condemnation, anger, …….) . I left, but it brought out the realities of a schizophrenic spirit with its own companions. So, after untold hours studying deliverance I ran across your site and looked down your lists. I felt immediately overwhelmed at the breath and width of the strong men and their companions. I have spent many many hours going over my life, true repentance both emotional and actions, with forgiveness in the same fashion. I know the d spirits lost the real battle at the cross, unfortunately your lists added to my concerns. Should I continue doing just the schizophrenic as the strong man, deal with those companion groups, and then move forward on the many other groups. I am also wondering that once a spirit has left through a strongman spirit group, is it gone, or do myself and minister do it again with the same spirit. I am strong in Christ between the schizo demons of rebellion and rejection, but still confused a bit about how to measure their input in my daily life. Thank you for reading and giving and input. Also, thank you for your heart of Jesus. May the Holy Spirit guide you through your life with thankfulness
Hey William…I received your messages….i will respond to your contact us form by email and there is a link in there to find the zoom room schedule. Basically we will see you tomorrow morning at 11am eastern standard time.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Nate
I need prayer for reuniting with loved ones. watch over with caring. receive as your own. I need to be repaid royall double for my trouble. Please pray for loved ones to remember me as their own.I will arrive in no time. Please repay all who lied and speculated about my downfall. Raise me up out of dust. God save our souls. Amen
Follow this link and join our daily groups where we can disciple you and work on some deliverance. Here is the link:
Follow this link and join our daily groups where we can disciple you and work on some deliverance. Here is the link: