Our Mission

Our Mission

Luke 10:19  “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you”.

Based on this scripture, we are here to help you experience the deliverance that God intends for you to enjoy. We assist and guide you into God’s freedom where the rule of Satan and His minions has no effect or authority whatsoever!


4 thoughts on “Our Mission”

  1. hello and thank you for your ministry ! My friend Dean feels he needs deliverance prayer. Would i be able to bring hom to your for prayer please and also where are you in the UK ? thank you very much

  2. hello my friend would like to have deliverance prayer and wants to know if you would let him come to visit you ? Also where in the UK are you based please ? Thank you very much, yours Fiona

    1. Hey Fiona,
      I am in the states, but your friend can join us everyday but Sunday at 11am eastern standard time in the zoom room for deliverance, healing, etc…etc… We are a full gospel ministry and he is welcome to come get free in Jesus name.
      Here is the link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/contact-us/
      Once I receive this form I will respond to him or you by email.
      Love in Christ,
      Pastor Nate

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