Take the Test – Level of Demonization

Take the test to determine your level of demonization.
Go type in your email in the form below then answer the questions.

If you prefer to fill in this form on paper, click on the link below then print: Demonization PDF Form then send the filled PDF form to Pastor Nate.

If you have more yes’s than no’s then kindly reach out to Pastor Nate as soon as possible here: https://deliverancerevolution.org/contact-us/

Note: A few symptoms may not indicate demonic oppression, but these are very consistent symptoms for those under demonic attack.

If you have more yes’s than no’s then kindly reach out to Pastor Nate as soon as possible

32 thoughts on “Take the Test – Level of Demonization”

  1. Hi Pastor Nate,
    I took your test and got 17 Yes & 45 No. I don’t have anything too extreme going on but just a constant battle with what I do have going. Lots of diseases & pains to the point I had to go on disability. I have a recurring dream every night about death which wakes me up. And the dream is so stupid, in a way, but disturbing as well. I came to the Lord at the age of 18 but didn’t have a relationship with Him so I ended up leaving my church and my marriage at the same time. I came to Him again after my husband died at the age of 56 years old and got baptized in the Holy Spirit. This time around I know who Jesus is and what He did for us but struggle with a lot of confusion, which I know is not of God, and other things. I don’t completely understand why I’m under why I’m under attack so often. It’s keeping me from stepping out and has me back n forth in unbelief regarding everything about God. His Promises, His Love for me, Healing for myself but not for others, and constantly confused as to what my part is in walking with God and what he does. My head feels like it’s spinning half the time & I have a hard time trying to figure out what the heck is happening with me. I was brought up in a very negative family and have fought being negative myself. I have a hard time reading my bible because I get extremely distracted most of the time. I think that I have more than one evil spirit plaguing me all the time. Can you help me better understand what’s going on & what I need to do.

    1. Kathy,
      Here is the way to contact us. Be sure and provide a working email. When I get your contact request I will respond by email that will explain how to get some help with the various things you have mentioned. As a quick simple answer your being attacked and you probably have many open doors from past actions and decisions. We can target this stuff once we meet you. Go to this link and send me a contact request. Love in Christ, Nate

    1. Thanks Bojan….Be sure and send in the contact form and write down your areas of attack and how the doors got open. Whether you have invited Christ into your life or any information relevant to why your in bondage and information I use to assist in Getting you free. Here is the link:

  2. I took your test and got 8 yes & 54 no. But I know I have a way to go in deliverance. Maybe I have a lot of self-control, or my bible reading and prayer keeps ’em bound. A few years ago it would have been a lot higher. Thank you for your work. It’s good to read and talk. Bless you!

      1. I have over 30 of yes. I always feel that something is watching me and I feel like im choking for no reason. I have panic attacks and etc. Whenever I watch videos of deliverance, I have a sudden fear. I want to be free and get a delieverance but I feel like im too young sometimes. Im 12

        1. Joliyah…get your parents to give you permission to help you and I will be glad to do so. If they say yes, fill this out and send it to me. Here is the link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/contact-us/

          If they say NO, then use the deliverance and warfare prayers on this link. https://deliverancerevolution.org/prayers/

          Be sure and dedicate your life to Jesus and ask him to save you and forgive you of your sins then get full submersion baptized in water and spirit.

          The reason you have fear when watching deliverance videos is because of the spirits. You need to make them leave and ask Jesus to help you. OK?

          Let me know if I can help. Love in Christ,

          Pastor Nate

  3. Hi. I really need help. I’m so tired of feeling depressed and anxious. I know I probably have something dark on me. I have medical issues that my doctor cannot res solve. Please help me. I always fell depressed.

    1. Liz…how are you? Did you find some help? I am not sure you ever made it in our prayer room did you? Let me know if you need help.

      Love in Christ,

      Brother Nate

  4. Hi Nate. I got 12 yes answers. I often feel stuck. It seems as though I cannot move forward and there seems to be no complete victory in my life. I was saved at the age of 6 but I feel my spiritual growth has been stunted for most of my life. I often feel depressed and anxious and just can’t seem to move forward. I come from a very negative home environment riddled with addiction to drugs and alcohol (not personally). It seems as though I desire to move closer to God but my passion fades quickly and I cannot seem to consistently pray and read my bible. I’m not sure how to move forward and have never entertained the idea of possible demonic oppression. But I’m wondering if that is a possibility?

    1. Hey Sister Stacey,

      First, let me say, I never met a Christian who did not have some sort of evil spirits or demons. Read Romans 7 for an example of what Paul dealt with 23 years after being saved. There is just those who are deceived about evil spirits and choose not to go by the word of and those who admit that we are at war against evil spirits and demons. I am one who admits and goes straight by the word of God. So I recommend, if you can, join our online prayer group. We do everything from Christ coaching, deliverance, healing and its sort of like a Jesus boot camp. What you described as your desire to know Jesus is what we work on and do. We would love for you to join us. BTW….12 “YES’s” aint too demonized and you can easily learn to kick fear and anxiety out and you can learn how to kick addiction out of others if they will let you. That’s the key sister, people have to want to be free. Anyway, I am starting to ramble but here is the link on how to contact me and after I receive your email I send you an email with how to connect with us and get involved. We love you and God bless you! 🙂 Here is the link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/contact-us/

      Love in Christ,

      Brother Nate

      PS- Save the prayer page from the website. Here is the link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/prayers/

  5. I’ve answered the questions truthfully I got no for the numbers 6,23,31,54 and 58 every other question is a yes. I’ve always been hearing stuff,suicidal,cutting etc I’m revulsing right now while talking pastor please help me.

    1. Mallesha….the enemy does not want you contacting me…this is why you are convulsing right now. I need you to click this link and send me this form. I will respond fairly quickly after I receive the response from you. It will have my skype contact info, but remember, its the middle of the night and I am not at my office. I am at home. Also, there is no quick cures usually. Its going to be a battle and a process to get you free, but I will help you and stay the course with you as long as you will. I am going to invite you to our online prayer group where people get delivered and healed, but you have to show up and do the things I ask you to do. It may even get worse some days before it gets better.
      Here is the link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/contact-us/

      Remember, Jesus loves you very very much and he died for you too. His salvation is free to you.

      Love in Christ,

      Pastor Nate

  6. Hello,
    I got 22 yes answers. I’ve been baptized with the Holy Spirit in september last year and fully healed of my past. About three months ago I’ve felt something like a poison forcing its way down my spirit and felt it in the physical as well, like heat and later (a month ago) chills. It all started when I got afraid of a perverse thought that entered my mind instead of casting it away and then I began to worry about it as well. I want to stand in faith so badly and return to Jesus. I feel anxious all the time, restless sleep, burning sensation in my body, not sure what I’m thinking about, weird thoughts and images. When praying I sometimes zone out and say something out of context, and when I go to bed I fall asleep without deliberately deciding to – for example I’m planning to read something before falling asleep but then I suddenly wake up some hours later realizing I fell asleep accidentally. I realize that if I would have obeyed the Lord this whole thing wouldn’t have happened. I’m focusing on the positive, on who I am in Christ and encounters with His Spirit. As a result I developed some compulsive behaviors that look crazy, looking from outside. I’m binding them up and commanding them out daily in the name of Jesus. I’m praying and repenting every day. I feel awful and really really want to change and get rid of the junk. I know this is not me because I know what I’m like in Christ, full of his love and with a clean heart. Please help me.

  7. Hello,
    I posted here last week and am wondering if it was received…because I don’t see my comment displayed here. I was asking for deliverance, I got 22 yes answers..


    1. Hey Abegail…I received your contact request. I will respond today to it and then follow the instructions in the email I send you. In the mean time use the prayers on the prayer page off the website. Use prayers from the section titled Daily, Deliverance and Warfare” section.

      We will talk to soon…Love in Christ,

      Pastor Nate

      Prayer Page Link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/prayers/

  8. Yes thank you for that insight.i know I have open sexual door . how I get it and dead images continue to be in my dreams.I no I’m born again and trysbto detox my environment and things I watch.

  9. Please Pastor,
    My family is in need of serious help! I feel like I’m living in a horror movie. There is a real life poltergeist in our home. It has shown itself to us on several occasions and it talks to my fiancé on a regular basis. It has spoken to me but I refuse to engage anymore. The name Saul was written on a towel in the bathroom right before our eyes and when I looked up the relevance of Saul and demons in the Bible, I was shocked to learn God had allowed Saul to be possessed by a demon for greater good. I told my fiancé that this thing is lying! Don’t believe it!
    Please pastor this thing is killing my fiancé! He is in pain. Mentally and physically. His back is aching badly and his stomach is extremely bloated. It’s also making him lose his mind. He has become so paranoid in the last couple days that his family wants to check him into a facility.
    I have prayed and prayed and he keeps getting worse. I know how powerful prayer is and he’s going to need a lot!! Please help us.
    God Bless You

  10. Hi Nate
    happy to talk.
    I pop up into the online meetings occasionally.
    Ive been a Christian for years and have ministered but now
    I’m relatively isolated and not sure if its possession or just warfare.
    Not many people around who are able to cope with spiritual realities, they pastorally would rather send you to doc or a counsellor!
    Counselling is fine if its rooted in the kingdom but thats hard to find too

    1. Its nice having you in the services brother Peter! It nice meeting you. We hope see you around more brother.

      Love in Christ,

      Pastor Nate

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