Things That Can Block One From Hearing & Feeling God in Their Life


1. Lust: Your mind, thoughts and or imagination indulges in uncleanness.
2. Idolatry: If you permit anything to come between you and God, it becomes an idol. For example, your job, money, worrying….no matter what it is, if it comes before God then it is Idolatry.
3. Laziness aka “Sloth”: This is a life of ease at home mixed with NO zeal for the things of God, but plenty of time and energy for the things of this Earth.
Example: You can find your way to play video games online…in the middle of the day mind you….but you can’t seem to find the same amount of time to worship God. In other words you have time to do what you want to do, but not the things that make God happy. Typically this type of person will be all confused why God does not respond to them in prayer.
4. Over-sensitivity: Bitterness rises quickly in the hearts of some people the second somebody disagrees with them. This is a spirit, kick it out and tell it to leave in the name of Jesus. Do it the second it happens. DO NOT HARBOR AND/OR HOLD THE BITTERNESS. The Bible says that going to sleep on anger brings curses upon a person.
5. Judgmental spirit: (See Above – Virtually the Same Type Situation)
6. Gossip: All gossips are devil’s advertisers.
7. Worry: This is when you are anxious about the future. This is direct dis-trust of God and his word. In essence Worry is lack of faith and I find that nothing separates me from hearing and feeling God more than lack of faith.
8. Selfishness: This is when you ignore the interest of others and you are only interested in yourself.
Example: I cease to be amazed at how many people will receive amazing healing and/or deliverance, but will not contribute even one dime back to the ministry that helped them get healed or delivered. They will spend $1,000’s of dollars on Doctors, Drugs that don’t work, new age remedies and their own fleshly desires, but they won’t give financially for the life of them.  More times than I can count, these same people will contact me a second time… after they lose their healing or deliverance…and express confusion over why they are in the same situation again and again. It has been my experience that Americans are the worst givers of all the countries in the world. I believe a growing percentage of people in the U.S. are under a financial curse.

9. Distraction: (aka spirit of anti-Christ) This is when you are unable to focus on Christ and you find it difficult to read the Bible and gain something from it.(see # 4 and 5 above for remedy)
10. Lying: The word of God says, “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord”.
11. Discouragement: Some people are easily discouraged. At the first sign of failure, they run away. They quit when things are hard. (Note: you cannot do anything with your own strength. God doesn’t need your efforts, but needs you to surrender to him and call on the name of Jesus. Phillipians 4: 13 Says, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me”.
12. Abusive tongue: Some people cannot control their temper. (See #4,5 and 9 for remedy) Anger is an evil spirit…rebuke it and kick it out of you in the name of Jesus.
13. Depression: This is when you allow despair to overtake you. You think of your problems always and withdraw from everybody when the Bible says, “I will not despair for I have believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”
14. Fear:  Allowing Fear & Anxiety into your life is like telling God you don’t trust him. Hence, a big No-No!!
15. Procrastination: This is when you are always planning to go higher and dig deeper but always postponing the day you will start.
16. Lack of sexual control: Individuals in this category typically have a difficult time with growing near to God. See Pastor Nate for details on how to get free from sexual bondage.

The good news is that most of the above spirits can be kicked out by using the mighty name of Jesus Christ. (Supporting scriptures – Ephesians 1:21, Luke 10: 19 and Matthew 10:7-8)

Example: “Spirit of fear and anxiety get out of me in the name of Jesus Christ and go to the pit right now in the mighty name of Jesus”.

Once you cast the spirits then I suggest calling down the fruit’s of the spirit as listed in Galations 5: 22.  This will allow you to start feeling some love, joy, peace, etc…etc…


9 thoughts on “Things That Can Block One From Hearing & Feeling God in Their Life”

  1. Hi. My name is Dan . I live in Ontario in the far North. I haven t gone totally nuts yet but I am in daily contact with these beings . I have moments when I feel passionate love for Jesus and then tremendous anger toward demons.
    Something about these demons. There are a lot of them in the flesh and they are everywhere. They steal from me all the time. They come in the house when I am away, they go in my truck or car (I have one of each). They want me to know that they have been around . The faces that they make vary from a look of rabies to total rage to ridicule all with very high levels of energy. They are everywhere and the variations of personalities and traits are as diverse if not more so than humanity. Just the tip of the iceberg . I hear them all day and all night , they are control freaks.
    this last bit of info is a little sketchy to me but there is some indication of a third party ..Demons , Humans and someone else that I can t identify…this whole thing is so weird. But I believe that I have salvation. Oh yah before I go I ve been at it for 27 yrs . I am not a novice with them, my hometown and others have infestations, they took my family years ago when I was young. Not sure if this helps anyone . There is a difference between devils and schizophrenia.

    1. The only difference is that schizophrenia is the name the world gives these demon voices talking in one’s head. That’s about the only difference. Notice the voices never suggest going to bake some fresh bread or hand out cold bottled water at the bus stop….its always, bar none, an evil promotion of some kind. A “chemical imbalance”, whatever that is, does not automatically promote evil things as the doctors would have you believe. There is way too much evidence at this point. The voices are evil! One thing to add here…I have the distinct advantage of comparing hundreds and hundreds of stories and the foot print or “MO” is always the same. Evil is not creative, but they will disguise with different names, faces and voices. Additionally, I hope this helps someone. Love in Christ, Brother Nate
      To Contact Deliverance Revolution go to this link:

      1. I thought this same thing regarding why the voices never tell those affected to do good things, so it makes sense that they’re demons (mental illness, or any illness, is demonic anyway whether or not there are concrete causes). I wish the Holy Spirit countered with good thoughts and feelings.

        1. In reference to >>>I wish the Holy Spirit countered with good thoughts and feelings.<<< You do not need to wish as the Holy Spirit does counter through the process of sanctification which comes through being born again in Jesus Christ. Once you begin renewing the mind through the word of God and become baptized in the Holy Spirit your entire thought life and desires will change. If you would like to join our groups and be discipled in on going freedom then send me this link and I will invite you to our groups. Here is the link:

          Merry Christmas and God bless you,

          Pastor Nate

  2. demons don’t fight fair and neither should we. They need to be stopped at all costs as they have ruined so many lives. I’m so ready for the demons in and around my life to be cast out and all their influence, bondage, and stronghold out with them! Enough is enough already! When do we get to fight back and actually win? I’m tired of them negatively impacting my life in every way even before I was born. Sometimes I get upset that GOD even created them and put us here on earth with these things that are stronger and smarter than we are. We lost before we were on the earth! Not many teach on deliverance so most don’t know and it’s impossible to fight an enemy you don’t know exists, especially one that has been working against humans since the first ones were deceived. GOD doesn’t need us but we do need Him, and it’s a loss for us when we don’t know that or don’t care. Even our nature works against our good, so how the heck are we supposed to win against something that is in our very DNA and makes us negative towards GOD Who is the only One Who can help us??!!

    1. come to the groups. There are twelve a week. Lets get you walking in power and authority. Be ready for change and above all be willing to change your mind set and your verbal confession.

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