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New Age Spiritualism, Chakras & Third Eyes is a Demonic Lie

The young man in the video immediately below is one of many young people we work with (18-30) that have gotten themselves into heavy bondage through what I call the New Age Lie. You see the lie of the enemy every where on You Tube. You even see how to invite Demons in for sex. We fight our hearts out against stuff like this and yet there are videos on You Tube about how to have sex with Demons! Can you imagine!?!

Folks, there is an over-whelming number of people under 30 who have no clue what they are involved in. They don’t know the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have gotten themselves caught up in the “New Age Lie”.  This lie is one of the beginnings steps for the enemy to get involved in your life and start moving you towards total and complete demonic bondage. The only difference between this and satanism is that a satanist, like a Psychic for instance, has made a conscience decision to throw in with the enemy. Hence, I am saying they are totally aware of what they are doing. Having said this most these young people we assist have zero clue what they have done wrong or how they got into the bondage they are in. All they knew is that there life was empty, they wanted more and so they started watching videos from people who have no clue what they are talking about.

If your wondering what the background is for the individuals who get into this mess,  besides the obvious method of seeing a you tube video on how to cleanse your Chakras, here is what we have observed. To be quite honest, the majority of the individuals are raised by Mothers and Fathers, in my generation mind you, who do not know Christ and therefore their children don’t know Christ. It’s sort of like our politicians who don’t know Jesus and yet the majority of the population walks around scratching their head as to why thecountry has gone down the drain. Well lets see! Hmmmm? The liberals and those disobedient to God’s laws have gotten rid of the Ten Commandments, Prayer in School and done many other things that are an abomination to our one and only TRUE God. We legalized the mass slaughter of babies and now we have declared ourselves a homo-sexual nation and yet most in the country are still continuing to walk around with a confused look on their face as to how the country got destroyed. Gee, I wonder!?!

The irony of all this is that Obama will say in his speeches….who is a professed Muslim mind you, “God Bless Our Country”. This makes zero sense to me. He ought to be saying, “God, we repent for our sins and we come before you humbling ourselves, begging for mercy and seeking to rectify our wrong doings and abominations against you”.  The Bible says this is our only way back. If you want my true personal opinion….we are heading for ultimate disaster in this country, but God is going to bring us a massive revival in the U.S. (first)….the likes we have never seen. He is doing this out of pure mercy….he is going to get as many of his children in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Aka Saved) as he can before the entire country is wiped out.

If the above resonates with you, but you have no idea whether or not your saved or not, please watch the above video and invite Christ in your heart.   

