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Dear Fellow Worshipper & Lover of Jesus Christ,

Please read this blog post and then watch the below video on the Kenyan Orphans & Widows that the Deliverance Revolution Ministry has been trying to support for many months now. This is a need that God brought to the Deliverance Revolution Ministry several months ago and we have been attempting to provide financial help to them for food, blankets, clothing, medicine, etc, etc… and the list goes on and on. These living-breathing precious souls are in Bungoma County Kenya and through no fault of their own need your help. The video link below and the two past articles from the blog will shed some back ground on the past progress we have made and the obstacles the Lord has led us through. It seems to me that God brought them to us and us to them! Praise the Lord and I shall do all I can to provide for the needs of these 400+ individuals. I learned today that I am there only financial support they have in the United States. I believe part of my mission, besides contributing a good size percentage of my ministry’s income, is to garner attention/support for them in the United States. From a worldly view point this is an “Emergency” and needs our attention. Naturally, since I attend here in the states I am attempting to get financial support from them as well, but so far the support has only been the support received through the Deliverance Revolution Ministry. I could go on forever about the issues I face in supporting them, but please just accept this as my formal request for help.


Additionally, the County continues to have record rain fall and subsequent flooding in Bungoma County. This has caused us to have to re-locate 4 of the widows. The hut they lived in, which the ministry rented for them, was just wiped out. We relocated them to other living quarters but they lost everything they had.  I sent an additional $250.00 today (11/27/15) to purchase blankets, basic needs, etc….  for the 4 widows.

Here is the Link for the Flooding:


Previous Blog Post About the Orphans & Widows – Posted on Deliverance Revolution Blog:

Article 1 –

Article 2 –


Who is Pastor Moses? Pastor Moses is a pastor/ overseer of 40 local churches and also has a church that he pastor’s 2 Sundays every month. In between he visits and leads the sister churches and manages and over sees all operations pertaining to the Widows and Orphans located at each of the 40 Churches.

Pastor Moses Contact Info:

        Pastor Moses Nyongesa Wafula * Injesus Global Mission / End Time Church * P.0 Box 1686 Bungoma 5020 Kenya * + 254705520557 * email

In closing, we need to provide $2,000 a month to feed all 400+ widows and orphans. This is the primary goal of this communication.

 Thanks in advance for your generous contribution and your obedience to the living God,


Pastor Nate Thompson


PS- Please share this video and blog post with anyone and everyone who may be interested in planting some 100 fold seed harvest for the future!


True Men of God- Read This to See True Christians

Update- The following is an update from our Kenyan Ministry partner that Deliverance Revolution tries it’s best to support. Pastor Moses and his team are REAL Christians living out, day by day, faith in God through the work of Jesus Christ. Praise the Name of Jesus! 

Shalom Pastor Nate,

Please receive greetings from the saints in Bungoma church…Today we had anointed service in the house of God..……my team and l are so  humbled by your previous message on Skype in regard to orphans who have jiggers….The Lord provided miraculously  some cash to pay for my rent, the situation for orphans is not good….after prayer my family and l felt to give the cash to treat this wonderful children…..they suffering severely man of God.. Today we treated  20 and one widower who lost his wife 13 years ago….he has a very bad wound we are remaining with 20 orphans who urgently need medication Pastor… kindly continue  keeping them in your prayers …. Please  have a look of the picture of this dears……

May the Almighty God bless you and your for your support. May He keep you and your family  healthy. May His spirit walk with you everywhere you go. May He continuously fill your cups of joy and treasures……….

God bless you.

In Jesus love,

Brother Moses

Praise you mighty God and I humbly apologize for the lack of giving by this ministry. I am embarrassed and ashamed for the 100's who have received help through ministry, but do not give.
Praise you mighty God and I humbly apologize for the lack of giving by this ministry. I am embarrassed and ashamed for the 100’s who have received help through ministry, but do not give.