The Bible, Its History, Infallibility and Authority… Eternal Truth!

The following article is attributed to Chuck Missler (Koinonia House Ministry)

There are 66 books in the Bible; 39 books in the Old Testament; the majority of which are the five books of Moses aka the Torah: 27 books in the New Testament. The Old Testament theme is an account of a nation; it’s origin, destiny, ups and downs and its history Yet to unfold (IE Israel, Second Coming of Christ ) The New Testament is the account of a man, the creature of the universe whose appearance is the central event of All history. The below is a semi outline of each book.



1) Genesis~ The Book of Beginnings ( The word Genesis means ‘The Beginnings’)

2) Exodus~ The Birth of a Nation

3) Leviticus~ The Laws of that Nation

4) Numbers~ Describes the forty years before the New Nation was able to enter the land that God had set aside for His people; aka the wandering years in the wilderness.

5) Deuteronomy~ A Review of the Laws; Jesus bases most of His quotes from this book.

The next 12 books are Historical Books which are divided into major events in Israel’s history.

6) Joshua~ Succeeded Moses; conquered Canaan

7) Judges ~ a three hundred  year period known as the Judges

8) Ruth~ During the above three hundred year period the book of Ruth was written; the book of Ruth is one of the most important books of the Old Testament. In order to understand the book of Revelation it’s important to understand the book of Ruth.

After the Judges are the records of the Kingdom itself~

9) 1 Samuel~ The Birth of the Kingdom

10) 2 Samuel ~ The reign of King David

11) 1 Kings~ The Kingdom is divided after King David dies; the death of Solomon and the civil war that follows which divides the Kingdom permanently

12) 2 Kings~ The history of the divided Kingdom

13) 1 Chronicles~ The Reign of King David

14) 2 Chronicles~ The history of the southern Kingdom

The Post Exile History Books~

15) Ezra~ The return from Babylonian captivity

16) Nehemiah~ The rebuilding of the City of Jerusalem

17) Esther~ The escape from extermination under the Persian Empire

The Five Books of Poetry~

18)  Job~ ‘Peeking behind the curtain’

19) The Book of Psalms ( Actually this book is compiled of five books)  the hymnbook of the Nation. The Book of Psalms includes someextraordinary prophesies .

20) Proverbs~ The Wisdom of Solomon

21) Ecclesiastes~Solomon speaks about the vanity of life

22) Song of Songs ~ a mystical book about love and other topics

The Five Major Prophets~ ( Many prophecies unfolding now! )

23) Isaiah~ The Messianic Prophet 

24) Jeremiah~ mainly about the desolation of Jerusalem

25) Lamentations~ Jeremiah’s dirge over the loss of Jerusalem ( Hence the title Lamentations)  These three books are mainly pre-exile, through Lamentations splits the pre-exile and post-exile Major Prophets.

26) Ezekiel~ is in captivity and while held captive he talks about the rebuilding of the Temple and the restoration of Israel when they ( the Jews) return to the land. Ezekiel also talks about what appears to be a nuclear war~ when Israel is invaded by the north.

27) Daniel~ The times of the Gentiles. Daniel is unique in portraying an overview of all Gentile history-from Babylon until the day God sets up His own Kingdom on earth

The Major Prophets are followed by twelve minor Prophets ~

28) Hosea~ Focuses on the apostasy of the Northern Kingdom ( many situations are similar to current day America)

29) Joel~ Joel speaks of ‘The day of the Lord” a climax which is also in the future

30) Amos~ Amos speaks of the ultimate rule of the dynasty of David on the planet earth ( Most people think when Christ comes, he will rule here on earth; wrong, it’s David. Christ will reign over the whole world)

31) Obadiah~ focuses on the destruction of Edom

32) Jonah~ is a warning to Nineveh;the capital of the pagan world empire at the time

33) Micah~ is best known for prophesying that Bethlehem would be the birth place of the Messiah

34) Nahum~ describes the destruction of Nineveh

35) Habakkuk~ “the just shall live by faith” ~ thus becomes the cornerstone of the three New Testament Epistles

36) Zephaniah~ Prophesies among others, one main being that Israel will be restored and Hebrew will be spoken again  (There was a period of time when Hebrew was not the spoken language but rather Aramaic, however in May 1948 Israel was given back to the Jews and the Hebrew language was restored)

37) Haggai~ Predicts the rebuilding of the Temple ( Happening now)

38) Zachariah~ Numerous prophecies about the second coming of Christ ( Happening now)

39) Malachi~ Final message to the disobedient people ; Also sets the stage for John the Baptist who comes in the spirit and power of Elijah

( **** Of the 1800 plus prophecies in the both the Old and New Testament ALL have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy with the exception of a handful; between 7-10 of which, most are currently unfolding)

In the New Testament there are 27 books. The first 5 are historical books~ the four Gospels and the book of Acts. Twenty one interpretive letters called ‘The Epistles’ follows ending with the book of Revelation. Now each of the four Gospels presents a different and particular perspective. They over lap in many ways yet they each have distinctive vocabularies, emphases and genealogical perspectives.


1) Matthew~ Presents Jesus Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah 

2) Mark~ Presents Jesus Christ as the suffering servant

3) Luke~ Presents Jesus Christ as the Son of man

4) John~ Presents Jesus Christ as the Son of God

5) Acts~ Describes the first thirty years of the formation of the Church

( The Pauline Epistles are interpretive. They explain the revelence of what has previously happened~ including both the Old and New Testament. Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and 1&2 Thessalonians are one group; each book was written to the Church’s with the intention the letters would be circulated. Paul also wrote four letters to Pastors called the Pastoral Epistles ~ 1&2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon.)

6) Romans~ Is the definitive statement of the Christian Doctrine in the New Testament and the most intense book in the NT

7) 1st Corinthians ~ Letters Paul wrote to establish the Church

8) 2nd Corinthians~ Letters Paul wrote to establish the Church

9) Galatians~ considered the key book in reformation, distinguishing between law and grace ( we are saved by grace not by keep Gods laws)

10) Ephesians~ The Heavens; Spiritual Warfare

11) Philippians~ Suffering; joy through suffering ( The faithful will have long suffering here on earth but in Gods kingdom will reap many rewards) ( *The more you study the Bible, you’ll learn there are different rewards after this life. some receive crowns, jewels

12) Colossians ~ Teaches Christ is pre-eminent above all things

13) 1st Thessalonians ~ the Rapture; the mystery of. (Because the English word Rapture is not in the Bible, many people don’t believe in the rapture yet the word rapture came from either the Hebrew or Greek translation)

14) 2nd Thessalonians ~ Clarifies the confusion about the rapture. Both Letters focus on the aspects of the Second Coming; they are ‘End Times’ epistles

15) 1st Timothy~ Pastoral Advice

16) 2nd Timothy~ Pastoral Advice

17) Titus~ Pastoral Advice

18) Philemon~ several lessons but mainly is a model of intersession on the behalf of a runaway slave

Now the Eight Jewish Epistles, Hebrews, James; two by Peter, three by John; one by Jude

19) Hebrews ~ Amplifies the New Covenant ( The authorship of Hebrews remains in question; some think Paul wrote it, others believe it was written anonymously on purpose)

20) James ~ talks about faith demonstrated

21) 1st Peter~ talks about the persecuted Church

22) 2nd Peter~ talks about the coming apostasy; abandonment/renunciation of faith and the ‘End Times’

23) 1st John~ Letter of love

24) 2nd John~ warns of false teachers, prophets

25)  3 John ~ speaks on the preparation of helpers

26)  Jude~ same as 2nd Peter but with OT roots

27) Revelation~ consummation of all things~ Everything in Genesis finds its end in revelation.

(**** In Proverbs 25:2; it reads~ “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. ” As you study Gods word, you will find The Bible contains messages based on both basic and advance crypto logical methods; thus you’ll learn The Bible is an amazing integrated message system! You’ll also learn “The New Testament is in the Old Testament ‘Concealed’ and the Old Testament is in the New Testament ‘Revealed’.” ) 



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