Jesus cures HIV!
Greetings Pastor Nate from pastors and church leaders in Bungoma County! Jesus cures HIV! The 20 widows you prayed for are now HIV-free! (Dr. Peter confirmed this after testing all the widows).
Pastor John Wekes testified that your Prayer of Jabez on Skype for the orphans and widows was a great blessing to him and his family. His son Joshua suffered from mental disturbances for five years. Although Brother John held faith in his heart during your prayer sessions he never mentioned his son. His son was healed! He sends his special greetings to you Pastor.
Each precious soul testified of the victory and blessings they received from prayer during your meetings on Skype. The testimonies were greatly life-changing. I was moved in the spirit and shed tears of love in Christ Jesus. All testimonies expressed praise and honor unto the Lord proving that even Skype prayers fellowship minister to poorly needy and hungry souls.
In Jesus love,
Brother Moses
What a mighty God we serve!
Hi…am from Nakuru and would like to have your phone number cause I need prayers too.
Edna…here ya go, here is how you communicate with us and receive prayer:
Also, all of you people reading this feel free to join us for everyday Bible study and prayer at:
Hello in Nairobi and I really need your prayers too.Help me with your phone number to contact you
As stated in the many other post here the best way to reach me from over-seas or in the states is to download a free version of and then connect with me via skype. My skype User ID is “nt_private” and the name associated with is Pastor Nate Thompson. God bless my sister and I look forward to praying for you. Pastor Nate