Jesus Cures HIV

Hello Pastor Nate,

 Greetings from pastors and church leaders in Bungoma County! All is well here and it is raining a lot here…..

 I have Pastor John Wekesa who is working under my leadership, testified that your prayer of Jabez on Skype with the orphans and widows were a great blessing to him and his family. He had a sick person – his son Joshua had suffered from mental disturbances for the last five (5) years. But Brother John held faith in his heart during your prayer sessions even though he did not mention his son.  However, in spite of this, thankfully his son was healed. He sends his special greetings to you Pastor.  The widows you prayed for, are now HIV free they are not victims any more…Doctor Peter confirmed that yesterday after doing multiple HIV tests for all widows…. What a mighty God we serve!!!!! (Update – Pastor Moses is getting the medical report from the managing Doctor who was handling the Widows HIV treatment)



(The Above Pics are of The Monthly Food Distribution…Another Miracle in and of itself!)

Each one of them testified of the victory and blessings they had from the prayer meeting we had with you on Skype. Time will fail me to mentioning all widows/ each one’s names now that you have their names already. The testimonies I heard were greatly life-changing. I was moved in the spirit and could not help myself from shading the tears of love in Christ Jesus. All testimonies that were brought forth expressed praise and honour unto the Lord, this proves also that when we have continues prayers Skype fellowship will change many poorly needy and hungry souls.

Pastor Nate, the widows and orphans  are praying for you and your dear wife Marty and that God opens a door for you to come and see them face to face….they told me to tell that you are the angel sent from God to save their lives…..They are praying that even if you will just get the air ticket and see them for a day their joy will be complete ……By the help of the Holy Spirit, He will reveal to us on how we can go about these planning. . ……the internet network is very low and cannot attach pictures…. I will forward them anytime tomorrow when it comes fully……

Are you back home from the trip? We can plan to meet with orphans and widows for prayer next Saturday if time on your schedule permits….

In Jesus love,

Brother Moses

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