Instructions:  Watch The Above Video and Then Pray This Prayer Over Your Marriage – Do it Together, Individually & Often! PRAYER TO SPEAK & PRAY OVER YOUR MARRIAGE

Lord, I thank you for perfect harmony within my marriage. I declare and decree that the evil spirits of confusion, discord, discontentment, disharmony, bitterness, anger, adultery, and un-forgiveness do not have any place in our marriage. I declare this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

I declare and decree that only the peace of God, the anointing of God and the
Spirit of God dwells in our home and in our marriage. I say that every door is closed to the enemy. You are NOT Permitted or Allowed in this marriage!

I decree that Satan will not kill steal, or destroy our marriage, and no weapon formed against this union shall prosper (John 10:10, Isaiah 54:17).

I say my (husband/wife) and I are strong in you, Lord, and in the power of your might, and this threefold cord will not be broken (Ephesians6:10, Ecclesiastes 4:12).  I come against every plot of the enemy to use third party sources to speak against, strategize, and form evil schemes against our marriage, and again I say, no weapon formed against our marriage shall prosper. I come against all forms of evil, witchcraft, ill-spoken words, ill-wishes and desires, and witchcraft prayers of others targeted against our marriage, and I plead the blood of Jesus over our marriage and union. I declare that what you begun you will complete, and what you put together, no man will be able to put asunder (Philippians 1:6, Mark 10:9).

I thank you, Lord, that from this day forward, my (husband/wife) and I walk in full agreement, divorce will NEVER be an option, and through the power of your Spirit, we will walk in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and temperance with one another, in the name of your precious son, who died for both of us a brutal death so we could live our lives and marriage together in victory, in Jesus name Amen! (Galatians 5:22-23)


1. John 10:10

10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

 Isaiah 54:17

17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.

  1. Ephesians 6:10

The Whole Armor of God

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

  1. Ecclesiastes 4:12

12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

  1. Philippians 1:6

being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ

  1. Mark 10:9

Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.

  1. Galatians 5:22-23

22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, temperance. Against such there is no law.





  1. If by Chance you have a had a spirit marry you in the spirit realm pray this prayer


    Instructions: Pray this Daily or More, if a Male or Female Spirit has Married You in the Spirit Realm

    1. I divorce and renounce my marriage with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    2. I break all covenants entered into with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    3. I command the thunder fire of God to burn to ashes the wedding gown, ring, photographs and all other materials used for the marriage, in the name of Jesus.
    4. I send the fire of God to burn to ashes the marriage certificate, in the name of Jesus.
    5. I break every blood and soul-tie covenant with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    6. I send the thunder fire of God to burn to ashes the children born to the marriage, in the name of Jesus.
    7. I withdraw my blood, sperm or any other part of my body deposited in the altar of the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    8. I bind you spirit husband or wife tormenting my life and earthly marriage with hot chains and fetters of God and cast you out of my life in the depth pit and command you never to come into my life again, in the name of Jesus.
    9. I return to you your property in my possession in the spirit world including the dowry and whatsoever was used for the marriage and covenants, in the name of Jesus.
    10. I drain myself of all evil materials deposited in my body as a result of our sexual relation with the blood of Jesus.
    11. Lord, send Holy Ghost fire into my root and burn out all unclean things deposited in it by the spirit husband and wife, in the name of Jesus.
    12. I break the head of snake-deposit by the spirit husband or wife to do me harm and command you to come out, in the name of Jesus.
    13. I purge out with the blood of Jesus every evil material deposited into my womb to prevent me from having children on earth.
    14. Lord, repair and restore every damage done to any part of my body and my earthly marriage by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    15. I reject and cancel every curse, evil pronouncement, spell, jinx, enchantment and incantation placed upon me by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    16. I take back and possess all my earthly belongings in the custody of the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    17. I command the spirit husband or wife to permanently turn his or her back on me forever, in the name of Jesus.
    18. I renounce and reject the name given to me by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    19. I hereby declare and confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Husband till eternity, in the name of Jesus.
    20. I soak myself in the blood of Jesus and cancel the evil mark or writings placed on me, in the name of Jesus.
    21. I set myself free from the stronghold and domineering power and bondage of the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
    22. I paralyze the remote control power being used to destabilize my earthly marriage to hinder my child bearing for my earthly husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.

    Father, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that I be free of this male or female spirit in the spirit realm and denounce any and all desire to be with this spirit in any capacity whatsoever. In Jesus Christ Name, Amen!

    1. I been with my husband for 30 years happy until 3 years ago he changed! I think there is something in him his body changed he grew another part! Woman and man now hes lieing CHEATING and i think its 3 people2 men and one woman he get very upset if i want to talk. I love my husband hes not an abuser!!! Please pray for my marriage ! He has left my home!

        1. I request prayers for my situation. We are separated and she has been leaning on other men and people for things.
          I need restoration. God has removed two people who she was leaning on so far. But she is still hard hearted and doesn’t want reconciliation.

      1. my husband does the same thing h changed and lies and gets mad when I say anything but another woman or man he doesn’t get mad or if I even ask him a question but others can for him to be a pastor now 7 years.

      2. Be strong in the Lord know that God will fight this battle for you I pray that God will restore your marriage and your husband will repent to God and change from his adultery ways, In the of Jesus …Continue to read the word of God this is a very powerful teaching trust the Lord all your heart lean not to your own understanding the trust in the Lord God bless you my sister.

      3. By the blood of Jesus I renounce any evil spirit adultery spirit is trying to claim your husband right now I command Satan and stop tormenting your husband’s mind I plead the blood of Jesus all over your marriage what God has brought together no man should separate. Start cleaning the blood over your marriage over your doors and over your windows if anything he left in the home that’s his and you know he wore all the time you start cleaning the blood over that over everything the enemy might still be in your house because anger is there but you plead the blood of Jesus over everything in your house no we performed against you shall prosper in Jesus name amen

      4. You have to go to war in the spirit for your husband and your marriage. It is not him it’s the spirit behind it. Pray for Holy Spirit to guide you in praying for your husband. Do not give up on him. He needs you and you need him. The enemy hates marriage go take back what is yours. I pray this inspires you to enter in and war for your marriage. Trust God to restore and redeem. God bless you.

  2. My marriage is in trouble , worst of all it was my sister who’s been trying to destroy my marriage. Been fighting 3 yrs with the hubby . I can not do this alone I need prayer and strength to overcome something like this. Pls everyone pray for me to make me strong in circumstances like this

    1. Maribel,

      I apologize that I just now saw your post. My complete and total apologies. The Lord God All Mighty leads me to share with you the following things. Be sure and either print the below information out, write them down or do whatever you need to do to utilize the following.

      1. The Lord tells us he hates divorce! Period end of story, so assuming your marriage is of God and sanctioned by God then he wants you to stay married.
      2. Always remember, no matter how bad it gets God can restore your marriage. I know it seems impossible sometimes, but YOU MUST BELIEVE THIS. It is true.
      3. I need you to CONTINUE to pray the marriage prayer out loud everyday! Do this until the Lord leads you differently or adds prayers or removes them. If your truly seeking him and truly seeking to let go of all anger and bitterness towards your husband and anyone else he is involved with then he will answer you.

      Hang on to this verse….claim it out loud everyday and call upon the Lord to restore your marriage. Speak as if it is done! “And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6)

      4. I also want you to add to your daily marriage prayers a prayer against Jezebel. (Pasted below) She is most likely slithering around somewhere in this situation. Trust me as I have battled her often. Anyway, once your comfortable with the prayers…and where appropriate to do so…I want you to add in the prayer that you are breaking all bonds of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes and voodoo curses, ancestorial curses, un-healthy past soul tie curses, word curses and any other type of general curse that maybe against your husband and marriage as a whole.

      Helpful Hint: REMEMBER!! Praying is not rocket science. Talk to Father through the mighty name and work of Jesus Christ and speak to him like he is a Big Ol Daddy, because that is what he is. He literally loves you like an only child / daughter and all he wants is to cover you up with blessings. So act accordingly, cry out to him, cry in front of him, tell him you love him and ABOVE ALL THANK HIM OFTEN!! Oh yah, and get out some good worship music and sing to him….he absolutely loves that! If you don’t know what to sing to him then check out a blog post on my blog. I will post a list of links of contemporary worship songs that I use in my own worship.

      I hope this helps!

      I loose the hounds of heaven against Jezebel (1 Kings 21:23).
      I rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft, lust, seduction, intimidation, idolatry, and whoredom connected to Jezebel.
      I release the spirit of Jehu against Jezebel and her cohorts (2 Kings 9:30-33).
      I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven.
      I rebuke all spirits of false teaching, false prophecy, idolatry, and perversion connected with Jezebel (Rev. 2:20).
      I loose tribulation against the kingdom of Jezebel (Rev. 2:22).
      I cut off the assignment of Jezebel against the ministers of God (1 Kings 19:2).
      I cut off and break the powers of every word released by Jezebel against my life.
      I cut off Jezebel�s table and reject all food from it (1 Kings 18:19).
      I cut off and loose myself from all curses of Jezebel and spirits of Jezebel operating in my bloodline.
      I cut off the assignment of Jezebel and her daughters to corrupt the church.
      I rebuke and cut off the spirit of Athaliah that attempts to destroy the royal seed (2 Kings 11:1).
      I come against the spirit of Herodias and cut off the assignment to kill the prophets (Mark 6:22�24).
      I rebuke and cut off the spirit of whoredoms (Hos. 4:12).
      I rebuke and cut off Jezebel and her witchcrafts in the name of Jesus (2 Kings 9:22).
      I rebuke and cut off the harlot and mistress of witchcrafts and break her power over my life and family (Nah. 3:4).
      I cut off witchcraft out of your hand and you will no longer cast spells (Mic. 5:12).
      I overcome Jezebel and receive power over the nations (Rev. 2:26).

      1. I would like prayer for my marriage. My wife Tiffaney I are currently separated and not on speaking terms. We have been married not even a year and already we have had numerous fights and I believe that there is a spirit of jezabell operating in our marriage. I would like prayer for healing and restoration of our communication and healing and restoration of our hearts.

        1. So I just realized that I posted my comment on the wrong post. I meant for pastor nate to see my comment. I apologize for this.

    2. I plead the blood of Jesus over Maribels marriage I declare it done on earth as it is in heaven In Jesus name Amen

  3. I actually need prayers to overcome disappointments concerning my marriage I have done all I could do to make it work but everything fails

    1. Ugo,

      I apologize that I just now saw your post. My complete and total apologies. The Lord God All Mighty leads me to share with you the following things. Be sure and either print the below information out, write them down or do whatever you need to do to utilize the following.

      1. The Lord tells us he hates divorce! Period end of story, so assuming your marriage is of God and sanctioned by God then he wants you to stay married.
      2. Always remember, no matter how bad it gets God can restore your marriage. I know it seems impossible sometimes, but YOU MUST BELIEVE THIS. It is true.
      3. I need you to CONTINUE to pray the marriage prayer out loud everyday! Do this until the Lord leads you differently or adds prayers or removes them. If your truly seeking him and truly seeking to let go of all anger and bitterness towards your husband and anyone else he is involved with then he will answer you.

      Hang on to this verse….claim it out loud everyday and call upon the Lord to restore your marriage. Speak as if it is done! “And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6)

      4. I also want you to add to your daily marriage prayers a prayer against Jezebel. (Pasted below) She is most likely slithering around somewhere in this situation. Trust me as I have battled her often. Anyway, once your comfortable with the prayers…and where appropriate to do so…I want you to add in the prayer that you are breaking all bonds of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes and voodoo curses, ancestorial curses, un-healthy past soul tie curses, word curses and any other type of general curse that maybe against your husband (or wife) and marriage as a whole.

      Helpful Hint: REMEMBER!! Praying is not rocket science. Talk to Father through the mighty name and work of Jesus Christ and speak to him like he is a Big Ol Daddy, because that is what he is. He literally loves you like an only child / daughter and all he wants is to cover you up with blessings. So act accordingly, cry out to him, cry in front of him, tell him you love him and ABOVE ALL THANK HIM OFTEN!! Oh yah, and get out some good worship music and sing to him….he absolutely loves that! If you don’t know what to sing to him then check out a blog post on my blog. I will post a list of links of contemporary worship songs that I use in my own worship.

      I hope this helps!

      I loose the hounds of heaven against Jezebel (1 Kings 21:23).
      I rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft, lust, seduction, intimidation, idolatry, and whoredom connected to Jezebel.
      I release the spirit of Jehu against Jezebel and her cohorts (2 Kings 9:30-33).
      I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven.
      I rebuke all spirits of false teaching, false prophecy, idolatry, and perversion connected with Jezebel (Rev. 2:20).
      I loose tribulation against the kingdom of Jezebel (Rev. 2:22).
      I cut off the assignment of Jezebel against the ministers of God (1 Kings 19:2).
      I cut off and break the powers of every word released by Jezebel against my life.
      I cut off Jezebel�s table and reject all food from it (1 Kings 18:19).
      I cut off and loose myself from all curses of Jezebel and spirits of Jezebel operating in my bloodline.
      I cut off the assignment of Jezebel and her daughters to corrupt the church.
      I rebuke and cut off the spirit of Athaliah that attempts to destroy the royal seed (2 Kings 11:1).
      I come against the spirit of Herodias and cut off the assignment to kill the prophets (Mark 6:22�24).
      I rebuke and cut off the spirit of whoredoms (Hos. 4:12).
      I rebuke and cut off Jezebel and her witchcrafts in the name of Jesus (2 Kings 9:22).
      I rebuke and cut off the harlot and mistress of witchcrafts and break her power over my life and family (Nah. 3:4).
      I cut off witchcraft out of your hand and you will no longer cast spells (Mic. 5:12).
      I overcome Jezebel and receive power over the nations (Rev. 2:26)


  5. Please pray for my marriage. My husband left me a month ago. Until I week ago we’ve had a little contact but a week ago nothing at all. I am praying for restoration. I am still in love with my husband. God has showed me where I went wrong. I am praying for forgiveness for the things I did. I take responsibility. I miss my husband so much. I truly want restoration.

    1. Christi…Good job being honest with yourself and being obedient to what the Lord shared with you. Be sure and thank him and above all seek an intimate relationship with him. Pray the marriage prayer over your marriage everyday and proclaim victory in your marriage. Remember, God hates divorce so no matter what he is on your side. Love in Christ,

  6. Thank you Heavenly Father for leading me to find Deliverance Revolution this morning. I have been prayerful and hopeful for restoration in my marriage. My husband left me and my children 6 months ago after 15 years of marriage he moved out with no explanation. He has been cold, unbotherd and bitter towards me. We haven’t been intimate in months although I have asked him to no avail. He rarely sees his children and their relationship is strained. I am certain there is another woman. Two days ago he told me he is going to start the divorce process. I am devasted. I married a man who was kind, generous, loving, patient. and God fearing. I don’t know who this man is anymore. Nonetheless I love him. I recognize my battle is with the spirit that has hold of him and not the flesh. I needed this prayer for I desire to remain married and for my family to be reunited. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord!

  7. I thank you so much your prayer was encouragement and big help I pray that God continue to bless you and your family. I ask that you will left my husband and I am prayer we are under attack daily in our marriage. we been married for 18 years and we have family and Associates trying to come against it. our name in marriage is Tiffany and Donald Phillips.

      1. My sister-in-law and her family (my brother wife) their started the snowball against my husband and our marriage; then separation of marriage by interferer after. Sister-in-law Viviana lied a against my husband saying he touch my niece inappropriately I found later by my nephew his mother lied . Now my husband has a warrant and lost resident. All for wanting Viviana cousin and son to lived in small house that parents from them and for us not move there. Her cousin was hoping free rent, free babysitting and free tutor. I lived in Miami Florida not working now resigned 35 years old banking career to be with my husband in Costa Rica, my husband lives in Costa Rica

  8. Please pray for my and my husband’s deliverance and for the restoration of my marriage. My husband began an affair with a coworker around May 2016, I discovered it on August 26th and confronted him on August 27th. He began a different man, from loving and kind and respectable to hateful and cold and angry almost immediately upon me confronting him. He packed up and went straight to the other woman, he has been living with her since. The other woman convinced him that God placed him in her life, and now he, who has never been religious before, goes to church with her twice a week and worships. I have spoken with her pastors and they have blown me off. I have done and said many hurtful things since my husband left, out of anger and hurt and desperation, but God has convicted me and I am fighting to no longer do those kinds of things — I am being still and letting God move — though I sometimes slip up. My husband is being deceived by the devil that he has found God and that God wants him to be with this other woman. We had a very good marriage and his affair came as a complete shock. I have always had faith in God but not a close relationship, but God has been working on my heart and I feel much closer to him now and know he is leading me back on the right path from where I have strayed. My husband has turned into a complete liar and I think even he believes his lies sometimes, he is completely in bondage. The devil is trying to bind me as well by getting me to tell lies, and I am fighting him. Please pray for us, that God casts away the demons and releases us from them, that God opens my husband’s eyes to the deceived and depraved life he is living and leads him to salvation, and that God reunites us and restores and renews our marriage with Christ as the head of it.

  9. With God all things are possible keep praying over your marriage everyday as I do mine,the devil loved to destroy families it takes our focus off of the truth of God that no weopon formed against us shall prosper, adultry is wrong,the other woman or man involved in a relationship with a married person is wrong allow God to fight the battle ask the holy spirit to convict the hearts of those who are committing such acts gid has all power,we must stay in prayer and plead the blood of Jesus and a wall of protection over our families it’s that serious be slow to anger and deal with everything in prayer ,,I mean pray and pray,my husband left moved in with another woman she didn’t care she taunted me he taunted me but Glory to God God stopped it,I recognized what was going on and prayed against it while continuing to pray foe y husband and our marriage ,I pray for pur marriage daily… Continue to hold faith in Jesus our deliever our protector he will come through pray pray pray and recieve your blessing

    1. Tamara….good feedback. Add to what you said…. “Love the person hate the demon”. Jesus told us to pray blessings upon the offending party and to pray for her salvation along with your husband. Praise Jesus it is tough, but Phillipians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me”
      Love in Christ,
      Pastor Nate

  10. Please pray for my marriage. My wife divorced me after 12 years of marriage, and says she doesn’t love me romantically anymore. She has always been a wonderful woman who loves her family and God, so all of this is rather shocking to me. She recently started seeing another man, and I am just devastated. God has convicted me to stand for my marriage, so I am doing so. I’m praying everyday that the Lord will change her heart, and open her eyes. I pray a wedge will be placed between her and the other man, and that my children will be shielded from the pain. I was so down recently, and ready to give up and let her go, when the Lord spoke to me, telling me that He is still working on this situation, and that my marriage WILL be restored. Praise the Lord for this wisdom!

    I pray that each and every person here who is going through this will also be given the miracle of restoration. As you receive this miracle, please come back to let us know! Testimonials are powerful!

  11. Hi pastor Nate, I have been for 14 years….For the past year or so there’s a unclean spirit been sleeping with my husband…. She’s having sex with him, 2 to 3 times a week… I am very worried for my marriage… I also have a 10 year old son…Am worried that she will go to him too…Can you please tell me what to do….Or how to pray…So this spirit can leave my home and marriage… Please help….

    1. Rosalie,
      Go to the prayers link here on https://deliverancerevolution.org/prayers/ website and dig yourself up some good spirit wife breaking prayers and incubus/succubus prayers and cast these demons out in the name of Jesus. (Say Luke 10:19 first and claim your authority over your house-hold and your husbands body according to what Paul said in 1st Corinthians) Also, your husband needs to ask for forgiveness, accept Christ as his personal savior and Lord, quit watching porn, quit masturbating, cast out the demon of lust and divorce the unclean spirit that is having sex with him. This is for starters! Remember, all freedom begins and ends with intimacy with the Lord. I often say it wouldn’t matter if the 10 best deliverance ministers were working on your husband’s demons…NOTHING TAKES THE PLACE OF YOUR HUSBAND SEEKING THE LORD AND DESIRING INTIMACY WITH THE LIVING GOD! This is the entire reason Jesus came to Earth so we could come before God in worship and praise.

      In closing, see if you can get him to get on his knees and pray the marriage prayer with you and also kick out Jezebel. She is most likely behind this somewhere and hiding in the background. So Fill me in with any details I need to know and I will try and help. God bless sister! Love in Christ, Pastor Nate

  12. My wife moved out on November 30 and started an adulterous relatiomship the same night. I have mot been able to speak with her except for a few minutes a month ago. She says she still loves me but not as a wife. I have been praying every day and everytime i feel lead to call. How do i break the demon that is keeping her from talking?. She hasn’t moved any of her things just left and refuses to talk.

    1. Duane,
      Scroll down in this link to where it says, “Marriage Prayers”. Here is the link: https://deliverancerevolution.org/prayers/
      Print both these prayers out and get on your knees and say them several times a day. Take authority over your wife, as her spiritual covering, and literally beat Jezebel’s brains out with the Jezebel prayer. Send warrior Angels to tear out any and all demons operating with her, but at the same time completely and totally surrender her over to Father God. Make sure you have all sin eliminated in your own life and stay deep in prayer and fasting. Be ready as Father may very well restore marriage so be sure that is what you want.

      Additionally, I would read every blog post here as I have given this advice out and more, many many times.

      Love in Christ,

      Pastor Nate

      1. Thank you and im praying. Im cleansing my soul constantly, livig in God’s word, and preparing for her return and a kingdom marriage.

  13. Pastor, I was listening to your you tube prayer for marriages and you said something that made me alittle sad because I don’t want that to be the case in my marriage. Its personal but you said it , you said sex was over in your marriage? Or did I misunderstand. I love God. I love my husband and I enjoy the all aspects of my marriage including sex. We’ve been married for 16 yrs.

    1. If I said, “Sex is over in my marriage” then I did not mean it the way it probably sounded. To quickly qualify here, Sex is not the dominate part of my marriage now….or should I say that my wife and I genuinely love each other and lust for each other physically doesn’t keep our marriage together this day and age. Sex was certainly a large part of my marriage many years, but try and read between the lines Sandra. I am 53 years old and I am out of shape. Hint, Hint….Get it? Sure, I can see a doctor and get some help for that, but I do not feel lead to do that. My wife and I enjoy each other a lot more now than we use to have sex all the time in our younger years. Just to be clear I immensely enjoyed making love to my attractive wife for many many years, but its just not a priority anymore. Helping others and feeding Father’s sheep is though!

      As far as your marriage you are free to have all the sex you want. 🙂 As Bart Simpson would say…..”Go For It Dude!”

      I hope this was helpful and praise Jesus,

      Love in Christ,

      Pastor Nate

  14. Thank you.
    I have learned to pray for my husband no matter how I feel. I have realized that the strong tactic the enemy uses is to try and sow division in my brain to ensure that I do not pray for my husband. I declare and decree that the enemy’s plots are nullified in the Name of Jesus

  15. My husband and I eloped I told my family but its going on a year now and he hasn’t told his family.. There has been a lot of lies that came out from him .. So to him I became a nag. I love my Husband but he left me and he’s kind of cold and very very selfish .. We have known each other since grade school we had real love.. And now I think he’s talking to other women he’s still lying .. I dont want to get a divorce deep down inside but I dont know what else to do.. Will God honor our marriage or is an elopement something God doesn’t honor or brought together ?

    1. Xenia….it’s not the eloping part that concerns me, but is your husband saved? If your unequally yoked in Christ then this is where your concern and prayers need to be. Make sense?

      I hope this helps…Love in Christ,

      Pastor Nate

  16. I/we my husband and I. Are in need of prayer. We have been married now for27 years and have five children and four grandchildren. We have run in to something evil I know he has cheated and my be cheating now I’m almost positive. He has been very mean and hateful to myself and oyr children. I’ve been praying and yes I love him. Can you help not just for me but for my children.

  17. Do I continue to pray for my marriage if my husband remarried right after the divorce with his mistress?

    1. The word of God says to pray blessings over your Ex and/or anyone else who has wronged you. Jesus said, in a parable, that you can’t be forgiven if you don’t forgive. I think your husband’s actions and decisions speak for themselves right now…he has free will and he made a choice, so right now it’s time for you to forgive him and focus on your children and help them forgive him too. ALL OF YOU PRAY HIS SOUL EVERY SINGLE DAY AND COME AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL, LUST, ETC… Clearly the man is in bondage. I hope that helps…Love in Christ, Pastor Nate

  18. Its like something took over him. He became so evil towards me kicked me and the children out the house. And refuses to see my son. Then divorced me very quickly and remarried shortly after. Do I continue to pray?

    1. No not for your relationship with him, he is not upright with God. Don’t wast anymore of your precious young years with someone who is of such a poor character and ungodly. I pray God bless you financially and physically and provide people in your path to help you with your son. Stay strong God is just and will reward you for your faithfulness, know that he has someone so much better for you in his time.

  19. pray for my relationship with my boyfriend.we have2months now without communicating.its like our relationship died. we had a strong bond and we were planning to get married by next year but over suddenly things has change.but i believe in God that he will bring him back in my life.he gave me when i was desparate with love and i felt he the man of my life.and cant reglet to have him.please pray for us his name is peter

    1. Diana,

      If you were having sexual relations with your boyfriend out of wedlock then I am not sure we should be praying for Father to return him. What do you think? In fact, maybe his leaving is God working in your life to remove this sin and then bring you a man of God for your husband? You think? 🙂

      I hope this helps my sister….Love in Christ,

      Pastor Nate

  20. Can you please pray for my marriage me and my husband living together but not talking to each other we no matter how much i talk to him he not responding i didn’t do him anything but i think he have another woman in his life i need help thank you. .I’m feeling that it’s witchcraft affecting my marriage

    1. Mitra,

      I know every woman wants to believe her man is under some sort of magic spell from a temptress, but I think this is just good old Fashioned adultery! AKA lustful sex with a woman who is not his wife. I hate to be so direct, but I want you to see it for what it is. Absolutely I will pray for you and keep praying the marriage prayer…OK?

      God bless you my sister in Christ!

      Pastor Nate

        1. Pastor I’m marry 4 years and don’t have a child that’s one the reason my husband treat me bad I’m praying for the lord to bless me with fruit of the womb also

  21. Pastor, Greetings to u.
    Pastor, could you please pray for me and my husband. We are separated by children services because he was violence towards me. He drinks, Gamble, hav bad friends, he was Smoking weed. He got temper problem n so do I. Together we have 20 months old baby. I get so angry sometimes and say him lots of bad words but I hav stopped this now. I shout my baby because of him. I know it’s not right. I can’t control my anger. I cried do many times because of my anger n asking God help to deliver me from anger. I want my husband should come back to us but I’m scared to tak him back til he proved that he left all his bad habits. Please pray for us pastor. Thank you.

  22. I need help my husband of 7 years walked out on me and our son amd moved in with his mistress. I am so heart broken as well as our 6 year old son. I have been praying and trying to be patient. Please pray for my family.

  23. Pastor I have been married for twelve years but my husband left me for 21 years girl and now they have one month baby I feel like god has left me because I have been praying since 2015 what can I do am desperate my husband hate me

  24. I need prayers my husband and I have been married for almost 14 years he is a contractor in Iraq he messaged me last September I said we were over he wanted a divorce in January he filed then he moved out he living in another state he won’t have any contact with me he claims the person he’s living with this just a friend but I believe she’s more please help me save my marriage and get my husband back we have 3 children and I feel deep down inside but this is not what God wants for us.

  25. Good Morning PastorNate,

    I greet you in the might name of Jesus. I am writing to you as I was searching through the internet for answers. My situation is a very complicated one but I know God is guiding me to find answers.

    I married my husband in 2000 and we separated in 2001 because there were many spiritual attacks happening in our home.

    A few months later God spoke to me and told me to move a tumble dryer that was in my kitchen. Underneath it was a dead bird. Around the bird were two hearts. 1 had been broken. I knew this was strange as no one had been in my house apart from myself and my Daughter. A few weeks later whlst praying in the spirit, God showed me in my bedroom. As I looked towards my bedroom door I saw a demon. It was at that poiont that I realised that someone had used witchraft in order to destroy my marriage.

    I unfortunately was young in the Lord then and became impatient in waiting for my husband to return home and divorced him in 2007.

    In October 2017, God told me to write to my ex husband and ask for forgiveness and forgive him. God also lead me to how to find my ex husband’s address. I did as I was instructed and about a week later my ex husband sent me a text message. We began speaking on the phone for about 6 weeks. However somethiing in my spirit felt that something was not quite right. I asked him if he had re-married and his response was no. I did not believe him so I contacted his sister via Facebook and she confirmed that he had in fact re-married. I therefore decided to end communication with him.

    God has since spoken to me and gave me a direct word to say that he is going to bring our marriage back as our marriage was a Covenant Marriage. I am slightly confused. How can this be if my ex husband is now re-married?

    I can send you the word if you provide your email address. Please can you advise me as to what to do.

  26. thank you for prayers. I need to have people to agree with me and help me fast. I am having diff fasting. I know Jesus has all authprity every thing bows to the name of Jesus. I pray my husband will become humble and teachable.Seek the kingdom of god first. Thank you
    I have checked my self for the Jezebel spirit. I have been accused of self righteousness. I may have been prideful but my righteousness come only because of Jesus. I desire to be humble and teachable. As I want to hear well done good and faithful spirit. I pray to the father in the name and relationship of Jesus. He accused me of being selfish as he want to be living away to do those things he enjoys. I now believe this can be turned into a blessing. Time to pray to seek information and to praise God. No matter what I want Gods will in my life and his. I know God has good plans for me. I want Gods plans for him I pray that he will be a man that God can bless. A special evangelist 2 yrs ago prayed with me as I asked for the gift of discernment and my husband came up the evangelist caught our hands placed them on an open Bible and prayed we become one. I also asked for such a prayer before marriage. He has not become one with me. Says he will do only what he wants to do. I do what I believe is good for me, him and our marriage. Married less than 3 yrs. I am not young.I believe God has answered my prayers by leading me here. and leading to more information I felt as if I wanted God to remove me from earth. I heard words of suicide but day by day I am stronger. I do believer I will see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the living. Thankyou.

    1. Lanore,

      You really ought to join us in our 11:00 AM Eastern time online prayer group. Its online at the same time Monday – Saturday. By the way, thanks for your generous contribution and sewing into the kingdom of God. This is fertile ground my sister!

      Contact me via skype (nt_private is my ID) or the ministry phone number in the email I sent you. Its the number that begins in “678”.

      I look forward to speaking with you. Love in Christ,

      Nate Thompson

  27. I don’t have a reply what I ask for someone to prayer for my mirriage my wife after 24 years together is having seeing some one else. I have 3sons 29,8,4 and because of what she is doing has destory the family. I ask for your prayer for my mirriage to be back together and for her to turn away from seeing that other person. I love my wife to my heart and I love my family. My wife Nadira I am Ramish

  28. Nate,
    My mum passed away in February, six days later my father-in-law passed away, My wife was very close to him.
    My wife and I had, I thought, a very strong bond but I think our bereavements pulled us apart.
    In the beginning of July she left me.
    She stated several reasons which I don’t really believe.
    She said I got old, I’m 17 years her senior. I’m not sure if she’s seeing another man but I have my suspicions, however, I know that the devil is capable of putting suspicions in my head.
    I feel that the loss of her Dad caused a deep depression in her which ended our marriage.
    She recently had a ring made with her Dads remains set in a stone.
    I understand that this ring has replaced her wedding ring.
    I have been praying the marriage prayer as well as others and also been praying for her salvation.
    I would be grateful for your agreement.
    To be honest, the time I now have alone has allowed me to get much closer to God.
    I think I’d made an idol of my wife and had put her on a pedestal above God. I have repented, I need my wife to be saved before we’re reconciled.
    I miss her terribly.
    We were married for only 3 years!
    Thank you.
    God Bless.

    1. Chris…did her Father leave her money? This thought came to mind as I was reading your post. Use this time to press into the Lord brother. I am sorry for your pain, but Father will use it to bring you closer. Keep praying the marriage prayer and pray the Jezebel prayer for your wife as well. Pray that she be radically saved, but if not thank Father that he removed her from your life. It sounds like you went and selected your own wife instead of him providing and picking your wife. The one’s where we pick our own spouses with our own flesh rarely work or go very well. Having said that, he does hate divorce so press in and see what his thoughts are for your life. Nate

      1. Sorry for the delay in responding.
        She wasn’t left any money.
        However, she has repaid all that she owed me.
        I have been given several signs that indicate that God is working to restore my marriage, unfortunately none in the natural yet.
        The most prominent being a rainbow seen through the window of my bedroom.
        I continue to pray and thank you for your support.

  29. I have been separated for 6 years. I have been praying for my husbands to return to the Lord. He has back slidden and refuses to go to church he has discouraged our children also from going to church. They are now teenagers and have chosen to live with him. I’m so sad I continue to pray. God has given me many dreams of restoration. I just see so much destruction the enemy has done. I have been using your prayers. I’m believing God for a miracle. Will you please pray for us.

    1. Carleen,

      I will pray for your marriage, but feel free to join our online prayer group everyday. There are many in the group who are trying to restore their marriages. Also, keep praying the marriage prayer. I will paste both links below.

      Online Prayer Group Information: https://deliverancerevolution.org/online-deliverance-room/

      Marriage Prayer: https://deliverancerevolution.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Marriage-Prayer-Part-1-Declarations-To-Speak-and-Pray-Over-Your-Marriage.pdf

      God bless you sister and we love you and so does Jesus!

      Brother Nate

      1. Thank you. I will join the prayer line. May God Bless you for having a heart for Marriage and his church. ❤️.

  30. As I was praying the prayer I went to the toilet and was like almost throwing up. Kept throwing up and coughing. And it’s when I reached the part of prayer that said to walk in AGREEMENT with our spouses . I kept repeating it and kept throwing up. Till I felt no more throw up.
    Please explain this

    1. That’s easy…your loaded up with demons/evil spirits and the name of Jesus is more powerful than any demon. When you kept praying using the name of Jesus the demon has to flee the power of Jesus Christ. It’s what we call receiving deliverance. God has mercy on his children and often times delivers them from the grasp of Satan and his demons. Congratulations son of God and praise Jesus!!
      Love in Christ,
      Brother Nate

  31. Please keep my marriage in your prayers. We have been married for 5 years. Last three have been rough. My husband asked for a divorce and I refused. He chose to commit adultery. The woman he is involved with is a witch. I had to undergo deliverance from the demonic spirits I got from being intimate with my husband. He still deals with her and I know the door opened from him watching pornography and looking at the wrong things and and listening to wrong conversations. I still believe God can deliver and restore my marriage.

    1. Chloelle ….I will add you to the intercessory prayer list. Also, there is an excellent Jezebel prayer and many other prayers that will assist in getting free. Pray the marriage prayer on your knees everyday and if your husband will join you then have him do it with you. You are also welcome to join our daily prayer room where you will find powerful prayer and deliverance. God bless you sister!!

      Prayer Against Jezebel – https://deliverancerevolution.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Marriage-Prayer-Part-2-Prayer-For-Husband-To-Pray-Removing-Jezebel-Witchcraft.pdf

      To Join our prayer group – https://deliverancerevolution.org/contact-us/

      Love in Christ,

      Brother Nate

  32. Please pray for my marriage: I recently found out that my husband acted inappropriately about 15-20 years ago. He admitted to it. I said that I forgive him but I feel like 20 years of the marriage was a lie. Please keep us in your prayers.

    1. I am sorry you went through that, but remember shellie, our feelings lie and thank goodness we don’t live by them!!

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