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Jesus Heals Man Who Can’t Move

Shalom Pastor Nate Thompson,

I write to you in appreciation of you and of your Calling to The Body of Christ. I had been under demonic attack since boxing day last year until January 13th this year when I came across the daily prayers you have posted in your ministry website,

Upto that juncture I had been attacked severely on 3rd of January and from 10th to 12th of January. I knew I was under demonic attacks since towards the end of last year, I heard Pastor Tommy Lilja in his show Following Jesus narrate one of his encounters with the demonic and his detailed description of the contrast GOD’S Divine Presence versus demonic presence.

He described the Presence of GOD as warm, while the demonic as ice cold. My ordeals are broad in detail, the much I can narrate is some direct details of my unfortunate ordeals. On 3rd January my heart and back were harmed in the attack I suffered, since the muscles around my heart area felt painful and my heartbeat became irregular. My lower back had multiple separate pains.

The second ordeal almost left me paralyzed from the waist down. I felt so weak I couldn’t pray, I only told The LORD to be merciful to me. Immediately I felt electricity gradually vibrate through my legs and I received strength again on the base of my spine and the pain that was there disappeared. Praise Jesus Mighty Name!!

Be Blessed of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


Jesus Cures HIV

Jesus cures HIV!

Greetings Pastor Nate from pastors and church leaders in Bungoma County! Jesus cures HIV! The 20 widows you prayed for are now HIV-free! (Dr. Peter confirmed this after testing all the widows).

Pastor John Wekes testified that your Prayer of Jabez on Skype for the orphans and widows was a great blessing to him and his family. His son Joshua suffered from mental disturbances for five years. Although Brother John held faith in his heart during your prayer sessions he never mentioned his son.  His son was healed!  He sends his special greetings to you Pastor.

Each precious soul testified of the victory and blessings they received from prayer during your meetings on Skype. The testimonies were greatly life-changing. I was moved in the spirit and shed tears of love in Christ Jesus. All testimonies expressed praise and honor unto the Lord proving that even Skype prayers fellowship minister to poorly needy and hungry souls.

In Jesus love,

Brother Moses

What a mighty God we serve!



A Story of Sheer Terror That Ends With Victory

Excellent PIC Demon Harrassment-ChangesHello, my name…for the purposes of this testimony I will remain anonymous. I am an Average Middle-Upper Class American and I grew up in Georgia with a decent childhood.  I thought there was nothing out of the ordinary about my childhood. Little did I know that rejection, depression, and rebellion were attacking and controlling my life.  All through college my depression literally ran my whole life. It was such a terrible experience and quite frankly it was all I knew until I was in my early 20’s. I started drinking, using drugs, and secluding myself to everyone I knew, heavily! I thought my life was over and I had just flat out given up. One morning after not sleeping for 72 hours because of panic attacks. I started seeing red figures of Jesus’ face, random people’s faces, the devil, and others. I thought it was a sign from God so I rushed to the nearest church to tell someone I had just seen a miracle. On my way there demonic voices from the sky started screaming and yelling at me. They would yell “down town, down town, down town!” They came from all over the place. As I write this to you, now 3 years since this took place, I realized that Satan was literally injecting me into an on-going horror film  (As a side note I use to always watch a lot of demon movies- Paranormal Activity, Exorcisim of Emily Rose, etc, etc… Now I DO NOT) They had turned my life into a true nightmare. So I call my parents and tell them that there are multiple, LOUD voices from the sky. They also had control of the radio, billboards, trucks.  Without exaggeration, about anything that could give me a sign was sending me messages. Remember, as you read this, “I thought this was God” doing something major in my life.  So as I am riding down the highway (my parents had picked me up already) I stuck my head out the window and said, “God why is this happening?” Again I haven’t slept in 72 hours and I have been so, so, so depressed for basically my whole life and then all the sudden Jesus’ s face shows up in the sky, just as it did in my room when I initially saw it, but was just in a bigger form of his face!! Jesus’ s face was 3 stories and so clear. He told me I couldn’t come to heaven and I had to save heaven before I die…or I would go to Hell. (“Yah Right!! Me save Heaven”, I thought to myself) Then God’s face appeared still the same red like figure and said the same thing, but had a deeper voice. There are no words to describe how scared and terrified I was after this.  I had literally lost control of my senses but I could still control my motor skills. In other words I did have control of my arms, legs, hands, feet, etc… Can you imagine something like this when you are already completely and totally washed out of any kind of real or meaningful defense syste?.  In John 10:10 The Bible says the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destory… well on this day Satan absolutely tried to destroy me. So I finally make it back to my parent’s home and the voices quiet down, and my parents calm me down.  Just before I go to bed I again see Jesus’ face on the ceiling just cussing me out and telling me how I ruined everything, and that I am going to Hell tonight. The voices come back, and are just screaming, laughing, just scaring me anyway they could. I am seeing just people being hung on the wall, and just evil things all around my parents Condo. I was again just beyond terrified. My parents finally pretty much just get me down on the floor and make me go to sleep (this took 4-5 hours). I then fall asleep and started dreaming. In my dream which felt real, I was in Hell attached to 4-5 other people and we would just go around like a tunnel until we got to Satan and he would just laugh at you. They had basically just taken over my whole mind by this point. Then towards the end of the dream/ trance I see Jesus’ and he sticks his hand down to grab me, and I wake up. I just don’t have the words to describe this but I was hoping everything was over, but I still had the voices …just not as loud.

After being on some heavy medications and having several months or a year to seriously dig into the truth I discover truth after truth and revelation after revelation about the Bible and who Jesus really is, the Kingdom of Heaven and how Satan and his minions truly work . (VERY IMPORTANT…PLEASE LISTEN TO ME IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE IN THIS ENTIRE POST) I learn that Jesus Christ is totally and completely dominant over all these demons and satan and it truly was a matter of stepping up in faith and applying what I was reading in the word of God. In other words when it says in Matthew 10: 1 that we have power to cast out unclean spirits then it means just that. We have power to cast them out. Jesus did everything for me, but I still had to step forward, in faith, and come against the enemy in the name of Jesus. It works even better if you quote the scripture along with it and then command them out.

(Go Forward In The Story a Few Years)

Because of the power Jesus Christ gave us and because of my relationship with God, through what Jesus did on the cross, I now live a life that is truthfully wonderful. Better than I could ever dream of or imagined 10 years ago. I never could forget being in that mental hospital….completely loaded up with heavy medications and seeing this red faced Jesus jumping up and down on my bed with 3 super tall but ugly Angelic looking beings! I tell you with all sincerity, I truly thought that is how I was going to be for the rest of my life. Instead, I now have an amazing relationship with the Lord. I have developed a very deep faith in him! I know he is not only there with me all the time, but as a child of God, I know he is looking out for me always and forever.  Given where I came from, do you realize how reassuring that is to me? Words cannot describe it.

About 10 months ago I met Pastor Nate and after learning about deliverance I am a free child of God! His grace and mercy is enough! He has built this world for us to live in abundance, and that abundance has been given to me through a relationship with him! CS Lewis once wrote “It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” Not only is he with us every step of the way, but he in us and us in him. He will never leave YOU or forsake YOU, if you invite him into your heart and ask him to free you from the enemy.  Trust me people, I never dreamed in a million years I could be free. “You, little children, are from God and have overcome them, because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” John 4:4. No matter what you see or hear in this world the truth is in the Word of God, in the Holy Bible. Peace to you my brothers and sisters in Christ and eternal glory be with you always!

Yours in Christ,

Anonymous Average Middle Class American

Endorsement –  The above was originally intended as an endorsement of Deliverance Revolution Ministry and Pastor Nate Thompson, but as you read it turned out to be more of a testimony. So let me say this about Pastor Nate. If I could have met Pastor Nate 10 years ago when I was at the height of my suffering and torment, there is not one shred of doubt in my mind that Pastor Nate, armed with the promises of Jesus, could not only have removed these horrific figures I was seeing and hearing 24/7, but more over he would have been chasing them through the 2nd heaven and calling down Holy Ghost fire on them as he went! If you have never seen Pastor Nate’s deliverance work then you are in for a real boost of confidence when you do.  When I think of PN’s calling the word “anointed” comes immediately to mind and “Warrior for the Kingdom”.  I hereby endorse Pastor Nate as a true man of God.



Pastor Nate…I Just wanted to say Thank You For All You did For Me!

Dear Pastor Nate,

When I found your Ministry ( on You Tube I had been searching for help for weeks and I finally came across your videos and my life hasn’t been the same since..Thank the Lord!

I had always seen black spirits since I was a child. I had started to think it was normal and then about 3 to 4 years ago I moved into a home that I thought was perfect for me on 4 acres. I do animal rescue so the land was great for my rescue..I thought.

I started seeing more than black spirits, I started seeing dead people and demonic creatures. They were attacking me everywhere. I was being sexually attacked, mentally attacked, emotionally attacked and physically I could see them in my skin. It was horrible, scary, I thought I was going to lose my mind; then Pastor Nate helped me get saved, helped me find the root of the problems and got me going in the right direction..

I am so thankful I can’t even explain how thankful I am…Pastor Nate is an AWESOME WARRIOR FOR THE LORD and a all around great person who will help anyone at anytime.

Thank you so much! Bless you and your ministry for all your work,


(40 Year Old Female Louisiana)


Dwayne’s Testimony on Witchcraft and Homosexuality

My testimony to Pastor Nate: Dwayne’s Testimony on Witchcraft and Homosexuality

Hi my name is Dwayne; I am 38 year old African American who was a homosexual transgender. I was also involved in witchcraft and in a situation in my life where I wanted to give up. I was truly under a demonic attack; I couldn’t get help from any other pastor or church because of my appearance and gender.

I prayed just out of faith one night to God hoping that he would hear me, I ask God to help me and send someone to help me spiritually, to lead me to the right person. I came across Pastor Nate Thompson number and called it.

I didn’t really think that he could of help me, But boy was I wrong Pastor Nate prayed for me and did a deliverance prayer and prayer intercession and cast out demonic spirits, and demons, and renounce the spirit of homosexuality I came to God and Jesus with sincerity in my heart. It has been a week now and I truly must say that the homosexuality tendencies I had before are really going away. I don’t have a sexual desire truthfully for man or woman; I don’t have a desire of witchcraft at all.

I now hate witchcraft because it’s not of God and I am more in the Word of God than ever, demons are real and very deceitful, I have seen it. They want to destroy us as humans… I was born with a prophetic Insight and now am using it now for the will of God ….I thank God for Pastor Nate, he’s truly a man of God and loving to all and he love Jesus.

Thank You pastor Nate Thompson, you believed in me when no one else did.


Video of Dwayne’s Deliverance – Click Here


My Testimony Regarding Pastor Nate on Deliverance Revolution

My Testimony with Pastor Nate on Deliverance Revolution and the Lord Jesus Christ: 

My Testimony Regarding Pastor Nate on Deliverance Revolution

I am a 45 year old African American woman, and prefer to keep my name anonymous. I had recently accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. The night of my Baptism I was taking a shower and I felt the Holy Spirit come down on me. So, I was really confused when the attacks started. It was like the enemy (the Devil) knew what I had just done. He wanted to rob me of what I had just attained.

I was formerly involved in fortune telling, self-hatred (slavery), and false religion to name a few, and these spirits didn’t want to give up their stronghold over me. I was now saved but not delivered. I saw evil spirits in the form of really light shadows in my house; later, I could actually feel them moving on different parts of my body. I tried leaving the house and staying in a hotel but they just followed me. I couldn’t sleep for days, and was almost at the point of returning to fortune-telling to get help; however, when I got to Pastor Nate’s website, the demon attacks grew heavy, so It was at this point that I knew that they didn’t want me to talk to Pastor Nate.

I called Pastor Nate, immediately God started working through him. Pastor Nate instructed me to put him on speaker: Pastor Nate said “I bind you in the name of Jesus” and among other things I don’t quite remember. Immediately the demons stopped attacking me which gave me time to get to his office. I arrived at his office about 10 a.m. and meet with Pastor Nate. I had to confess everything as well as fill out forms concerning associations with past problems that could have been responsible for opening any gates for example horror movies. The confession was not difficult because it was confidential and would not be made public.

Deliverance comes from forgiveness and confession to the lord; however, Pastor Nate was an effective guide for me. My deliverance (which is different for everyone) took 3 sessions each lasting approximately six hours. The experience was life changing and I saw the Lord working and he delivered me of most of my demons. Deliverance is ongoing but one has to continually guard their gates, never harbor on hatred, forgive, and give all things to Jesus.

Don’t rely on your own understanding or foolish pride; remember, we can’t even direct our own steps without him. Just keep calling on the Lord. Pastor Nate is a great guide but Jesus is the light and the way. Strengthen your relationship with him and allow him to work through Pastor Nate—It worked for me.  

Remember, the best way to keep demons at bay is to stay in prayer constantly, establish a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you and will never forsake you. I have no doubt that it was Jesus that led me to Pastor Nate. Also, keep your members guarded, such as your Eyes (things you watch on TV), Ears (music that you listen to), and, your mouth (watching what you say). Most important, learn to forgive others just as Jesus commanded, because bitterness and hatred toward others opens your gates to demonic spirits.  That’s what help me to keep my gates closed.


Testimony in Washington DC

Testimony in Washington DC

In the testimony that follows a congressional aide in Washington, D.C. speaks frankly of her personal struggles:

I was baptized in the Spirit about seven years ago. In late June of last year, in a church in Washington, D.C., I received an instant healing of nerve deafness. Then in August my doctor confirmed that I was healed of cysts and tumors in the breasts.

I was top staff member for a Congressman and, while he personally was thrilled with my experience of healing, my testimony was not well received in the political circles In which I moved. In September I resigned from my job and spent the next few months resting and taking time with the Lord.

Then in mid-Dece.mber I became depressed and despondent. The first week of January was horrible! One day I lost my temper. I was here all alone, and it related to a most trivial matter. I realized instantly the sin I had committed—anger. And as I tried to pray for forgiveness in English, I felt choked . . . not from emotions, but a distinct pressure on my throat—a very real physical force.

A friend suggested that I might need deliverance. So I bought your tapes dealing with deliverance and demonology. I have always shied away from anything concerning spirits, demons, ghosts and what-have-you, believing that if I left them alone, they would surely leave me alone. I just did not want any truck with spirits and demons! Still, I listened to your tapes on deliverance. I had my Bible on the table and kept pace as you followed through the Scriptures. At the end of the tape, when you gave the instructions to your class, I decided to follow also. Then you started the prayer for deliverance, but the tape ended abruptly—and almost the last thing you said on the tape is, “Remember, Jesus is your Deliverer.”

I did not know what to expect or what to do. So my prayer to the Lord was that 1 didn’t know what to do, but that since He was my Deliverer, I was committing myself completely to Him. I named those things not of the Lord that I felt were evil and sinful and which I did not want to be part of me—resentment, unforgiveness, doubts, anxieties, fears, etc.

As I have said, I didn’t know what to expect. Within a very few minutes, not more than two or three, I began to heave and gag in the most desperate kind of way. After about ten minutes or so, I felt that my abdominal region would never be the same! But I did not feel or believe that I was completely released. Then I asked the demons or spirits to name themselves and I commanded them to come out. This did not happen. Why, I don’t know.

Then I asked the Lord to tell me if there were more, and what the names were, so I could ask deliverance from them. The first one was suicide, and the force was some thing terrific. I felt it all the way to the top of my head. felt some release, but not completely. I asked the Lord t tell me if there were more—and I was told it was the dea spirit. The deliverance of that was fantastic!

It lasted longer than anything else, and the force actually pulled m abdomen to my back, and I physically felt the violet uprooting of my stomach, and in this also I felt the pressure in my head. I am completely released, and ever since have known such a marvelous peace.

*The Above Story Was Taken From Derek Prince’s Book “How to Expel Demons, Break Curses and Release Blessings”. This material is used for the sole purpose of educational material and NOT for the purposes of generating income.
